Chapter 55

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"It's hard not to kick your ass right now" I mumbled to Zane. "For the last time, I'm sorry" he groaned.

After I left the house a few hours back, I followed the address to a coffee shop where Zane and I got Intel to the mission. We were suppose to take out both buyer and seller of the drug supply. I thought it would be pretty easy but the meeting wouldn't be in a warehouse. It would be in someone's mansion. The reason it's hard for me not to kick Zane's ass right now is because he forgot to mention 2 things. One being we have to somehow get inside the house and two being to dress warm since we're on a fucking mountain in the middle of nowhere. It was currently 37 fahrenheit and I was dressed light. To make matters worst, it was raining heavy.

"Alright I found a way to get in. The house would be crawling with guards specially the outside" Zane spoke nodding to the house. We were parked in the bushes near the house so we were camoflage.

I looked down at the map of the house that was in his hand. "There's going to be cameras everywhere so we're going to have to -"

"No. It's going to take to long. Just where the jammers. I have some in the trunk" I cut him off.

"Alright but we have to do this fast. We can enter from the second floor balcony" Zane replied and I nodded.

"Oh before I forget, we're hosting the annual Christmas party tomorrow night" I chirped causing him to laugh.

"Well I'll be there" he smiled. "Great. Can we just wing this mission" I asked.

He rose his eyebrow, "Wing?"

"Yea. Henry only give us about 6 hours to prepare which is impossible. We should just get to the second floor and once we're in, we go from there" I shrugged.

He started clapping in his seat, "Ladies and gentlemen, Skylar Marran finally want's to wing it" he jokingly replied. I rolled my eyes, "I'll take that as a yes" I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Charming" he teased back.

I rolled my eyes and looked out the window. "It's thirty minutes pass 12. Why haven't the buyer arrived" I asked outloud.

"Maybe the weather. You could control the weather, why don't you just stop it from raining" he asked causing me to look at him.

"I use to ask my dad the same thing. When I was small, there are days were us and the guys made plans to go to the beach and have fun all day. Unfortunately, it started to rain that day and all the plans were cancelled. I told mom and dad to not cancel anything because I was going to stop the rain but dad stopped me instead. He said "With great power comes great responsibility" which caused me to laugh at the time" I shook my head with a smile.

"I've always heard that sayin when I was small but it was that day where he made me understood what it meant. He said just because I can change something, it doesn't mean I should. Things happen for a reason. Things that shouldn't be controlled. I use my powers but for show sometimes but it isn't a major impact on the whole world. If I change the entire weather here-"

"Then you corrupted somewhere else" Zane finished and I nodded.

"Your father was wise" Zane mumbled while looking out the window at the house.

"Usually until mom becomes right" I snickered. I saw a flash of light and looked out my window to see two BMW's pulling up to the house. "That's them" I asked and Zane hummed. We watched as the security let them the cars through.

"Alright, the meeting will happen in the living room. We have to move quick before they leave" Zane spoke quickly as we got out the car. We walked to the back of the car and I popped the trunk. We took out ammo, pistols, combat knife, Ak's and grenades.

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