Chapter 52

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Lucifer P.O.V

I watched as her body swiftly through the room with a huge smile on her face. She left the room and I stared at the stairs trying to process what the hell just happened.

"You do not understand how hard it is to restrain myself from her" I growled as I looked at Mel's dead body.

"You should-"

I flashed in front Axel and held him by the collar, "Tell me how to do something again and I tear you to pieces and I promise you'll wish you never tested me" I growled down at him. I was a hint of fear pass through his eyes. "You may be the closest person to me but I will not hesitate to torture you. Got it" I spoke in a monotone.

He slowly nodded and I released him. "Clean this shit up" I demanded referring to the blood and dead body. He stepped out from in front me and disappeared with Mel's body. Normally it would take a lot to scare the shit out of him but this time, I wasn't playing around.

Stupid mother fucker is lucky I don't kill him now for taking Sky away from me and she has no idea how lucky she is that I don't smack the shit out of her. If it was someone else I would of beat the crap out of them but her, she was different. I really do still love her and I which I had never chased her off. I also wish I showed her some respect.

She's been through a lot and to make matters worst I broke her to the point where she has shut me out along with everyone else. When I saw her casket go down, everything fell into place. I felt as if everything I have work for disappeared. I didn't care about anyone else excepting her and when she came into Mel's room shouting surprise. I felt my body tingling. She was back and I couldn't be more happier. I was shocked at first and had questions of course but I was just so happy to see she was alive.

She was not fully herself though. When I saw her beat Mel up and dragged her out that house, I felt a blast of anger coming from her. Then at the club, I sat on one of the couches and watched her body sway to the music all night long. I was so tempted to hug her and kiss her all at once. I then saw her and Axel dancing but he kept his distance but I didn't care too much. I was just too focused on her. Her body swaying smooth yet freely. I hated her dress since I saw other men looking at her with lust. It took everything in me not to rip their heart out. She was mine and ALWAYS will be.

I don't care if she tries to run away again or kill me, I will break her. I will unleash hell on Earth if I have to. Test me and see what happens Sky.


I sat on the lobby couch and watched as some of the guys were leaving while others were just getting breakfast. Everyone had already left excepting Gabe, Sky and well me of course. I wasn't planning on letting Sky go or be anywhere alone. She was going to learn what a real burden I am.

"Are you sure you don't want me to come" Sky's voice came behind me from the stairs.

"I'm sure. I need to go before I'm late" Gabe replied. I watch as both of them stood in front the entrance door. Skylar was wearing black ripped jeans with a blood red tank top. To top it all off she wore a black leather jacket. Her hair was also down and in natural curls with no makeup on. She looked beautiful and I hated her for it.

"I'll be home in about 3 hours" Gabe said hugging her. Sky wrapped her hands around him and a smirk overtook her. My eyebrow rose at her reason behind smirking. It wasn't a normal smirk. It was more like I-have-a-plan smirk. I looked at her and got inside her mind.

Sorry bro but I need to find out what you're hiding.

I opened my mouth to say something but shut it. Let's see how this plan of hers turn out. I watched as they said their goodbyes and the door shut behind Gabe as he left. Sky immediately pulled out her phone and started to frantically type something in. She then looked at the phone and walked right past me into the hallway ignoring my presence. My fist tightened as she disappeared into a different room.

I hated when she would just ignore me. Her scent got further away and I heard some shuffling before a door closed. I rolled my eyes and got stood up. I followed her scent down the hall and into the kitchen towards another door. I reached for the knob and turned it only for it to click indicating it was locked.

Retaining myself from kicking the door open, I flashed into the room and saw I was in the garage. I turned to the garage door that was open and saw Skylar driving out in a Range Rover. I shook my head and watched as she speeded down the driveway and through the gates. I flashed myself into her car and found myself in the passenger seat.

I felt her tensed up a bit and I enjoyed every second off it. At first I would e a bit worried if she did. But you disappeared on me for a month having me thinking you was dead. You lucky I don't actually kill you for that bullshit stunt. I opened my mouth to say something but I was cut off by the radio. Part of me wanted to just break the radio and the other part of me just...oh wait, there is no other part.

I angrily turned off the radio and turned to look at her. She reached to turn it on again and I glared at her, "Put it on again and I will break your hand" I spoke in a serious tone trying to control my anger.

She ignored me and reached further for the radio but this time I grabbed her wrist and tightened my grip causing her to let out a squeal. "Stop testing me Sky" I growled in a deep voice.

She said nothing and I felt her tensed up even more. "You want to not break my hand so I could drive" she sassed back. My grip tightened in anger at her backtalk and it took everything in me not to break that soft precious hand of hers. She moved around her fingers a bit probably trying to get rid of the pain.

"We're going to establish some rules" I stated. Her face lit up in amusement. She opened her mouth to say something but I cut her off, "We either do this my way or the hard way" I demanded.

"The fuck you think this is. Training class" she scoffed. Well that's new. I angrily flashed us back into the driveway causing her to slam on the brakes.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" she screamed.

"You're going to listen or we can do this all day and trust me, I have all day" I spoke in a calm voice. I watched as she was debating whether to agree or disagree with me.

Her jawline tightened in anger, "What do you want" she hissed out. A smirk rose to my face, "That wasn't so hard now was it?" I asked.

She stayed quiet and turned to look at the driveway in front her. "Rule number one. You're never allowed to leave or go anywhere without my permission" I stated. I watched as her grip tightened on the steering wheel.

"Number two, do not backtalk to me or test me in any way" I stated. I felt her anger radiating off of her and I was actually enjoying it.

"Lastly number three. Try to kill me or even escape again, I will put a chain on you" I spoke causing her to look at me. My eyes blackened and a smirk rose to my face, "Trust me, it's my job to put chains on people so imagine how that will work out for you."

She opened her mouth to say something but I cut her off, "No sweetheart. I don't give a fuck if you blocked out all your emotions or how badass you are now. Disrespect me and I'll show you punishment and since you're different like everyone else, you will have a more complex punishment. Try me and see what happens because no matter how hard you scream or how far you run, I will find you and you will regret whatever you did to get this. I'm fucking done trying to be nice and restraining myself. Frankly you're lucky I don't kill you right now. So please try to piss me off and see what happens" I shouted at her.

I watched as a bit of fear took over her but she just brushed it off. "Would you mind flashing us back to where we were" she grinned her teeth with anger.

The corner of my lips twitched up, "What's the magic word" I chirped.

I watched as her hands tightened on the steering wheel from all the anger she was holding back. "Please" she hissed out. Within a blink we were back on the highway. Do I feel bad?

Not one bit.

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