Chapter 57

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"Asshole" I mumbled which made him smirk more. "Give me like 20 seconds" I huffed before walking to the bar. I actually rather be a bit tipsy then to realize fully what I am doing nor what I look like doing this stupid would you rather. I got a cup of rum and chugged it down. I made my way to Lucifer to see he was sitting comfortable.

I drank out the rum and shoved the cup to him. He took the cup from my hand and I gave it about 20 seconds until the rum kicked in. "You seriously can't do this sober" he asked standing up to hold me steady and I shook my head causing him to laugh.

I left myself being lifted up and placed on the table. I let out a sigh and thanked God the room had party lights so it wasn't that bright. It was more like a backlight. I started to sway to the music and move to every beat not missing one. I heard some whistling and I rolled my eyes as I continued to dance. I slowly slide my hoodie off and received a bunch more cheers and whistling. I didn't do it for the dance morons. I did it to stop feeling so hot.

I turned around and started walking up and down on the table as if I was Ariana herself while swaying to the music. People started to gather around, mostly guys. I ran my hand threw my hair and swayed my way through. I turned around and walked back to the spot I started in.

I danced my life away and looked at Lucifer to see he was enjoying this. It wasn't a smirk but a smile. Someone's hand grabbed my waist from behind and I watched as Lucifer's smile turned into a deadly glare. I turned around to see a guy smirking and pulling me close into his chest.

I pushed him back and turned around to see Lucifer standing in front me. I raised my hand in the air from him to help me down. He gently lifted me up and placed me down. I looked up at him to see he was a bit angry and I knew he didn't like what just happened.

"So what you want to do" I asked trying to change his mood.

He shrugged, "We could just -"

"Hey" a voice interrupted us. We both turned to see the same guy I pushed away form me.

"I'm not interested if that's what you're going for" I bluntly stated. He nodded and walked away.

I turned to see Lucifer walking towards the stairs. I let out a sigh and followed after him. Wait. Why am I going after him?

I pushed the question aside and followed him upstairs. "Lucifer" I softly called.

He ignored and continued to walk down the hall. "Stop" I ordered him.

He angrily turned around and I walked up to him to see he was really pissed off. "Why are you so mad all of a sudden" I asked in confusion.

"It doesn't matter. Just forget it. I'll take this room for the night" he spoke in a deep voice as he entered the empty bedroom which was once his. I followed after him inside and closed the door behind me so no one could would hear what may go down.

"No. You just got mad. Why are you mad" I questioned.

He turned around in a swift move and his eyes were pitch black, "Because I still love you and it looks like you don't even care. Every time I try to put that aside it just comes back." He let out a hysterical laugh, "And when you danced on that table I wanted to take you right then and there. You drive me insane. You don't even understand what your touches do to me. It's like I forget the monster I am. In your eyes you always see me as an asshole or something but never a monster" he groaned.

I watched as he stood in front me towering over me. "Everything about you makes me go crazy. Your smile gives me a sense of hope and your laugh makes me feel happy. You hate attention and you're so caring and understanding. You're so beautiful in every way" he leaned in and rubbed my cheek with his thumb. You don't even wear makeup and you're still gorgeous. You will and always be my Queen" he spoke in a soft voice.

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