Chapter 48

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Day 3 since Sky took the pills

I stood near the stairs and watched people mourn for Sky. Today was the burial. It had already taken place so you could say this was the after memorial. I watched as some random elderly woman hugged James. James returned the hug and thanked her. I hadn't seen Lucifer today at all nor when we put the casket down. I tried calling him but it went straight to voicemail. The last time I actually saw him was about 3 days ago when we were in hell.

I haven't visit Sky yet because I've been to busy with either Lucifer's work or just trying to make this "Sky is dead" plan play out right and far it has. My phone vibrated and I pulled it out of my pocket. I looked at the caller id to see it was one of the leader's assistant from the company.

I got up and stepped outside the house. I closed the door behind me and answered.

"What" I shouted into the phone.

"Sorry to bother you sir but I tried calling Mr. Davis but he wouldn't answer" a woman rushed out in a shaky voice. "Call him back in 5 minutes" I groaned before hanging up.

"Everything okay" a soft voice came behind me. I turned around to see Mel in a black dress. "No" I said in a stern voice.

"Ohh....What's wrong" she asked looking at me with her soft eyes.

"Personal matter" I replied. She blinked and I flashed out into Lucifer's house. I need to find him. I looked down stair through every door only to find he wasn't here. I walked upstairs and saw Skylar's old room door open. I walked up to her room and looked in to it was trashed. The bed was flipped over and her clothes were everywhere.

I let out a sigh and turned around. I slammed Lucifer's door open revealing him laying on the bed. "What are you doing" I asked as I walked in.

"What do you want" his voice came out raspy.

"Where were you for her burial" I asked.

"Far in the back. What do you want" he asked again.

"I want you to answer your phone. I've been taking your calls like I'm your assistant" I hissed.

"Maybe you are my assistant" he shrugged.

I stared down at him as he kept looking up at the ceiling. "I'm so tempted to rip your head of your body but we all know nothing affects you" I threatened.

"You talk a lot. You know that" he said looking at me. My fist tightened and I turned around to leave his room, "The next time I have to take one of your calls again, I'm gonna rip your arm off and ram it up your own ass" I hissed.

"Touché" he mumbled as I slammed the door shut behind me.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~3 Weeks later~~~~~~~~~

Skylar's P.O.V

I have only seen Axel 1 time since the day he flashed me into Iceland. We only talked for a few before he left again. He was ranting about how much work he had then disappeared. During my time in Iceland I took the time to do what I want and find myself. I'm still working on the "finding myself" part. I changed my appearance and decided to get more tattoos. My first orginial one was the dream catcher for those of you who forgot.

I then got a simple arm tattoo and a skull with a flower that was next to my dream catcher. I also had some on my legs. I dyed my hair to a cherry red and got a nose piercing. Bull ring for those who may ask. I hated it at first but eventually started to like it. Instead of staying home most of the time, I applied for a bakery job that was literally down the street.

I really like Iceland to be honest. It's really quiet and nice. The people are really caring and nonjudgmental which is nice. I made a couple of friends here and there but that's about it. Most of my free time I spend it either roaming around the small town or just watching movies.

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