Chapter 39 (Rewrite)

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I looked at the time and saw it had been almost over an hour. My phone started to ring, and I looked at the caller ID to see it was Henry.

"Well, look who it is," I chirped with a smile.

He let out a chuckle, and I knew he was shaking his head. "I've tried calling your phone but couldn't get through for the longest while. James had blocked your connection, so I scolded him for a bit before he unblocked it," he huffed.

"I know. Don't worry about it," I smiled. I missed Henry. He was like a father figure to me and his wife. I wish I could've stayed with them, but I knew he was busy since he had to deal with other gangs and was one of the head leaders. "So, how are you doing?" he asked sincerely.

"Good," I half-lied, trying not to worry him. There was a long pause, and I knew something was up. "What's wrong?" I asked, concerned. Henry never went quiet unless it was a conflicting topic.

There was another moment of silence before he broke it with a sigh. "I don't want you on any missions anymore," his words came out heavy. I felt myself going into shock but, at the same time, anger. "WHAT!!" I shrieked in disbelief.

"After what happened I-"

"Bullshit. Who put you up to this?" my brows furrowed at what his excuse might have been.

"No one. I-"

"Henry cut the crap. I know you didn't plan this because if you did, then we would have met up," I hissed. He sighed, "Sweetheart, I know you're mad, but watch your tone. James said you can't be on any missions until he knows what happened to you," he informed me.

"That cunt," I mumbled to myself. I heard the door open and I turned to see Lucifer getting inside the car.

"I'm sorry. He said if I didn't tell you, he would pull everyone out of the organization," he replied. "I'm going to kick his ass," I growled into the phone.

"Sky," Henry tried to reason with me. I hanged up before he could say another word. I started the car and pulled up the fashion build's address. "I need to do two things," I gritted through my teeth as I sped off towards the address. 

This fucker thinks he can pull me out of missions? I'm going to kick his ass so bad that he's going to wish he never fucked me with. What kind of a brother is this dumbass? And here I thought Gabe was pushing it.

"He pulled you out of the organization?" Lucifer's voice mumbled next to me as he read my mind.  I sped pass the cars and took a hard right. "Yes," I growled and gripped the steering wheel tight.

"In my opinion, I think that's a good thing," he sided. I turned towards him with a glare, debating if to slam on the brakes so his head would head to the dashboard. "I didn't ask for your fucking opinion," I snarled and turned back towards the road. From the corner of my eye, I could see his fists tightened on his lap. I knew he was holding back his anger so he wouldn't explode on me. I didn't care. How dare he side with James.

I may hate missions, but they're the only thing that gives me some sort of outside freedom, and it's what I was trained for. I finally arrived in front of the building and parked in front. I took out all the folders from the bag and grabbed my phone. I got out of the car and shut the door behind me, only to hear another door shut. I turned around to see Lucifer, also outside the car.

"Don't even bother arguing with me," he snapped, and I saw his eyes blacken. I rolled my eyes and walked towards the building. I walked in with Lucifer behind me and walked up to the main desk. "Hello. How may I help you?" the lady asked.

"Jacob De Smet. What floor is he on?" I asked bluntly. One of her eyebrows rose up at my question. "The 30th floor. Is he expecting you?" she asked, eyeing both Lucifer and me.

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