Chapter 44 (Rewrite)

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"Pleaseeeeee," he begged. I let out an irritated groan and covered my head with my pillow. This morning, I was woken up to Lucifer begging me to go somewhere with him for the past hour. After what happened yesterday, I didn't care about anything anymore. I just wanted to be left alone.

"Skylar, please. It's only a quick stop somewhere. If you don't like it, I will never bug you again," he offered. I peeked at him from under my pillow to see him with a gentle smile. Him never bothering me again would be the feeling of heaven on Earth.

"Where are we going?" I questioned. "It's a surprise. Now, please get up," he pleaded. I let out a groan and got out of bed. I grabbed my towel and headed into the bathroom. "Dress warm," he hollered.

"Shut up," I shouted back. This idiot is going to be the death of me. This better be worth me getting out of bed, or I swear, I'm literally going to break his neck. I took my shower and got out. I slipped into some sweats and a T-shirt. I looked through the drawers for a hoodie but didn't have one. I combed my hair and wore my boots. I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs.

I walked into the kitchen after hearing someone talking. I looked around the room and saw Axel pouring himself a drink while Lucifer was on his phone. My presence was known since he turned around with a smile. "Ready," he asked, getting up from his seat.

"Yippy," I sarcastically replied.

"That's the spirit," he smiled, ignoring my sarcasm. I rolled my eyes and walked over to Axel. "Want one to go?" he asked, referring to a drink. "No. I'll take mine right now," I said, grabbing his cup. I filled it up and chugged it down. I shoved the glass in his hand and looked up to see they were both staring at me.

"Like y'all never seen me drink before," I scoffed and headed for the door.

Lucifer followed behind me as I exited the house and got into the car. Lucifer hopped into the driver's seat, and I saw a hoodie on his lap. He then held it out to me. 

"You're going to get cold," he softly spoke. 

Without arguing, I took the hoodie off and put it on before pulling the hood over my head. I settled back in my seat as he started the car and pulled out of the driveway. I hated how soft his hoodie felt on my skin, how intoxicating it smelt, and how I secretly loved it.

"I'm sorry for how I responded yesterday," Lucifer broke the silence. I sat there quietly. I didn't care for his apology. "I know you're mad at me, and I don't blame you. That was wrong of me, and I should have never done that. I know I should let you make your own decisions. It's just that I want you safe at all times, but I see I hurt you most of the time, and I am once again sorry. My Princessa doesn't deserve that," he sighed at the end.

I didn't say anything. I knew he would be sorry at some point—he always is. It's the same cycle on repeat. We drove the rest of the way in silence, and I decided to close my eyes for the rest of the ride.

After who knows how long, we finally arrived. I exited the car and looked around to see we were in front of iHop. "I thought we should grab breakfast first, then head there," he informed me of the plan. I still didn't know where there was. Not bothering to respond, I opened the door and headed inside. I heard him mumble my name, but I just ignored it.

Breakfast went really quiet—well, for me. Lucifer wouldn't shut up for a second. He would either apologize, compliment me, or ask a question. I stayed quiet the whole time, not bothering to respond. What seemed like years later, we were finally on the road again, heading to who knows where.

I looked out my window and saw the view becoming more familiar. The car stopped, and my heart sank as I knew where we were—at the cemetery.

"I know I can't tell you how much I'm sorry, so I thought you could use the visit." I turned to look at him and saw a small, sincere smile on his face. "I'll wait in the car for you," he offered. I slowly nodded my head and got out of the car. I took a few steps forward before stopping. I stared at the gates that were a few feet away. Should I invite him to meet my parents? Is it worth it? Is this a stupid idea?

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