Chapter 11 (Rewrite)

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Driving back home felt long and dreadful. The car was silent the entire way, and I was grateful Mel didn't ask about him. Sadly, that only lasted about an hour into the drive. Mel was now questioning me on everything. Part of me was getting aggravated, but the other part understood her curiosity.

"Does he have horns and stuff?" she asked. I looked at her to see her deep in thought. "Out of everything you could ask, you went with that?" I said with an arched eyebrow.

She nodded. "I debated asking that question an hour ago," she shrugged.

"I don't know. If I'm telling you this, I might as well tell you what I do for a living," I admitted. 

"I already know. James told me about six months ago. He knew he could trust me, and we would never split up. He also said he didn't want you to stress out about explaining it to me," she interrupted me.

"Remind me to kick his ass," I said, rolling my eyes.

"I will, but why are we trying to escape him? It's not like he could find you," she asked, and I looked at her. "Right?" she asked.

I shook my head. "He found me once to save my life. If he wanted to find me again, he could do it again," I explained. I wasn't safe anywhere.

Mel kept asking questions, and I realized she would eventually run into him, so nothing was held back. As we drove to the mansion, I told her the whole story of how Lucifer appeared in my life. We eventually made it back home, and the gateway opened. I drove up to the entrance and opened the trunk. I grabbed the duffle bag from the trunk, and Mel grabbed her bag. I walked up to the entrance and opened the door.

A few of the guys turned around and greeted us. "Take the room down the hall from mine," I told Mel. She nodded and ran upstairs with her bag.

"What's going on?" James asked, walking towards me. I dropped the duffle bag on the floor and lied. "Nothing. I'll be back," I smiled as I ran upstairs. I changed out of my clothes into a pair of white skinny jeans and a white crop top. I walked out of my room and marched downstairs. Mel was taking a drink with some of the guys at the bar.

I walked over behind the counter and pulled a Corona from the fridge. I popped it open and took a drink. "How come you're home early?" Gabe asked, walking up to me.

"Nothing. I just quit my job. Turns out I didn't like it," I said, looking at Mel. She shook her head, showing that she hadn't said anything. I want to tell the guys, but things would get awkward or sad.

"I'm sorry to hear that," James mumbled. "No, it's okay, really," I smiled, trying to avoid the conversation. My eyes flickered over to Gabe, who leaned against the bar and eyed me. 

"So, how's everyone's day going?" Mel asked, trying to get me out of this. I gave her a thankful smile and walked around the counter. Before anyone could answer, the doorbell rang, and I felt my heart skip a beat.

"I'll get it," Justin said behind me. "NO!" I shouted. They all looked at me in confusion. "I uhh... I'll get it," I sighed. I went into my duffle bag, took out a combat knife, and shoved it under my shirt in the back of my pants.

I gave Mel my beer and walked towards the door. I opened the door to see a guy in a blue shirt. I recognized him as the security check guy. "Ms. Marran, nice to see you," he smiled.

"Hey, Ken. Nice to see you too," I smiled back in relief. Thank god it's him.

He turned the clipboard to me and handed me a pen. "I just finished the security update. I need your signature here," he said, pointing to a line. I signed my name and gave him back the clipboard. "Have a nice day, Ms. Marran," he smiled before walking towards the van. He got in and drove off.

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