Chapter 54

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I burst through the door and looked around to see the lobby was empty. I jogged upstairs and ran into my room. I walked into my closet and opened the secret department. I threw the files on the nearest desk then closed the door. I turned around only to bump into Lucifer.

"Why are you in such a hurry and what's wrong" he asked looking down at me. "Gabe is diagnosed with bipolar disorder" I pushed him a side and ran out my room down to Gabe's. I pushed his door open and ran into the bathroom. I opened the cabinet and saw a bunch of pill bottles. I picked up a few bottles and read the names off.

They were all for his disorder. I snatched the other bottle from the self but it was then snatched out of my hand. I turned to see Lucifer looking at it. "I don't understand why you are so shocked and -"

"Can you be quiet for one second" I barked at him. He glared at me, "Bark at me again" he warned. I took the bottle from his hand and looked at it to see it was another prescribed pill.

"Sky, you here" a voice shouted from downstairs. My eyes widened and I shoved the bottle back in the cabinet before closing it.

"Shall I tell Gabe we're in his room" Lucifer gave an evil smirk. I stared at him in disbelieve. "You wouldn't" I challenged in a whispering voice.

"Sky" Gabe called out from the hallway. Lucifer smirk widened and he opened his mouth. I quickly covered his mouth. "You're an asshole" I muttered in a angry voice.

He swat my hand way and I took the chance to twist his neck. His body dropped to the bathroom floor and I ran out of the bathroom. I opened Gabe's window and flew out towards my window. I quickly opened it and flew in.

"I'm in here" I shouted as I closed the window. My door opened and he walked in with a smile. "So how did your meeting go" I smiled back as I walked up to him.

"Good. I just came to switch cars so I decided to check up on you on time" he smiled while kissing my forehead.

"Awe where you off to" I frowned.

"I just have to do a few things then I'll be back home before you know it" he gave a small smile.

"Aright" I smiled. We said our goodbyes and I stood by my door as I watched him disappeared going down the stairs not long before the door slam shut behind him. I walked inside my room and shut the door behind me. I leaned back and let out a heavy sigh.

I felt my body being slammed against the door. I looked up to see Lucifer with anger written all over him. He placed his hands on both side of my head so I was trapped.

"Why do you always find some way to piss me off" he growled an inch away from my face.

I felt my body heat us at how close he was. "You would have said something" I spoke in a low tone.

He shook his head and let out a deep laugh, "Next time you do that again, I will punish you" he spoke while walking away.

You say that but I don't see it happening.

I watched as he stopped in his steps and I knew he read my mind. He turned around and glared at me. "So why are you making this a big deal. His mood just switches off and on" he changed the subject.

It took a few seconds to regain myself. I leaned casually against the door and nodded. "If it was James or any of the other guys, I wouldn't be to worried but with Gabe it is different. No one really knows what happened in his childhood. The only person who comes close to knowing him is me. He is also on a lot of meds which is even worse" I tried to explain.

I watched as he stared at me trying to figure it out. "You know for someone to be the Devil, you're really smart" I said in a sarcastic tone while rolling my eyes.

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