Chapter 29 (Rewrite)

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My nails dug into the booth seat as I tried to control my anger. Gabe sat across from me, talking. I glanced next to him to see Lucifer's eyes piercing through me, reading everything going through my head. My gaze returned to Gabe, who placed a phone on the table.

"We got you a new phone. We blocked off your connection from the organization and limited your contact, so don't even bother trying anything," he warned before reaching into the black backpack beside him.

What's the point of having a fucking phone if you're going to treat me like a child?

Gabe then threw a stack of hundred on the table before returning to the bag. "We're not giving you your credit card yet, so you have one grand," he mumbled. He lifted a laptop halfway out of the bag to show me before putting everything back in.

Gabe's eyes settled on me with a narrow look, "Questions?"

Questions? Questions he asks. James and Gabe made rules for me to follow. I had to ask permission whenever I wanted to go somewhere or even leave the house. I also couldn't go anywhere by myself. I also can't accept any jobs, and the final one is that I had to talk about what happened when I got kidnapped—either that or a therapist. Once I speak, then I am free to come home. It was honestly bullshit. Maybe he would gain some common sense if I slam his head hard enough into the table.

Gabe then leaned towards the table, his hands resting on the table and his fingers intertwined. "Jump across the table, little sister, and I will fucking throw you out this window," his voice threatened as he gestured to the window next to us. It was crazy how, out of all my brothers, only Gabe could read me physically or mentally. I stared at him for a brief second, debating if I wanted to take the chance or not.

"Okay, well, this was great, but I think we should do some shopping," Axel suggested next to me, trying to change the subject. My gaze stayed on Gabe as he was on me. "I agree," Lucifer added.

I angrily got out of the booth and left the restaurant. I crossed the parking lot to the small park, which was filled with benches and trees. I sat on an empty bench and stared up at the sky. Grey clouds quickly formed, blocking the sun. I forced lightning to fly across the sky before causing a drizzle, which caused everyone in the lot and on the benches to scatter around. 

I used my powers and sheltered myself from the drizzle, which turned into a heavy rain. I watched as Lucifer, Axel, and Gabe exited the restaurant. They all exchanged words before Axel and Gabe left while Lucifer started to head over to me. I watched as the raindrops fell off him, not even absorbing into his clothes. 

He stood before my bench and sat next to me a foot away. He leaned back on the bench, placed his elbows on the backrest, and spread out. "What happened to the sun?" he nodded towards the sky.

I looked to see the clouds, which were now dark grey. I shrugged, "It decided to take a lunch break," I joked, causing him to smirk slightly. 

"So, you want to talk about what happened in there?" his voice came out serious as he tilted his head toward me. I shook my head, arms folded across my chest, "Not really."

He started at me with an eyebrow raised. I let out a scoff as my hands shoot up midway, "You know how hard it is not actually to kill my own brother?" I growled in anger causing Lucifer to laugh as if he remembered something. 

"He's lucky I didn't jump across that table. All these fucking rules are ridiculous, and the whole therapy thing is fucking stupid. You know, I'm surprised they didn't make a rule for me to ask for permission to take a shit," I hysterically laughed out loud. 

"It's so much more fucked that I am a literal adult, and I'm getting treated as if I'm a kid," I scoffed again. 

"Are you being treated like a kid or like this because they care?" Lucifer spoked. I stared at him in disbelief. "Sweetheart, I know you're hurting, but this isn't meant to make you feel like a kid; it is meant to protect you. I agree; the rules are a bit strict but are precautions. I was around your brothers when you were missing, and the things they felt and thought weren't easy to express or handle. Gabe went too far with forcing you to talk to a therapist or them, but they're trying to understand what happened so they can help you in the right way," Lucifer explained in a soft tone. 

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