Chapter 22 (Rewrite)

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Trigger warning. Read at your own risk. You've been warned.

(Skylar P.O.V)

Chained. Once again, I am chained and more scared than I was before. I wasn't in the same room when I woke up a few hours ago. Every so often, I was drugged constantly. 

Drugged to stay weak. 

Drugged to remain powerless.

Drugged to stay defenseless. 

I looked around to see the nightstand, and the clock was about to mark 11am, which meant someone was going to come back in here and drug me all over again. It was an endless cycle. Just a few minutes ago, I was taken advantage of and fucked until I passed out. I could still feel his hands all over me and his mouth everywhere on my skin. My body was in pain, and I felt like being shot multiple times would be better than this. 

Being drugged made this more awful. I tried to talk and begged the person who drugs me daily to let me go or pretend to drug me, but nothing came out. The only thing that would come out was either tears or whimpers. When the drugs started to wear off, I would start to feel a bit stronger, but of course, he would never let that happen. I was moved from the white room into a bedroom, chained to the bed from arms to legs naked. The bedroom was a small size. The walls were a dirty shade of orange and the floor was wood instead of tiles.

I turned my head to look at the clock. It was now 11:05. I blinked and looked at the time again to see it was 11:08. Time really does fly when you're drugged. My kidnapper was already supposed to be in here and drug me once again. I looked up at my hand and tried to move. My fingers twitched a little. I looked at the nightstand to see the tray with a needle and a glass bottle full of medicine.

I moved my hand towards the nightstand slowly but I was stopped by the chains. I let out a sigh and took a deep breath as I tried to stretch for the bottle. I felt the drugs wearing off, and I was thankful. I reached further and finally reached the small glass bottle. I used all my strength and picked it up off the tray.

The door flew open, and I looked up to see my kidnapper. His eyes widened, and he ran to me. I dropped the bottle and heard it shatter causing me to release a sigh of relief. "You bitch," he yelled, and I felt a sting across my cheek. He ran out of the room, leaving the door open. He was going for another bottle.

I tried to focus my powers, but I still couldn't think. I pulled on the cuffs, but they just clung to my wrist some more. I heard footsteps coming down the hall, and I tried to pull on the cuffs more, but they wouldn't budge. The kidnapper came in with a bottle. This time, it had some white medicine instead.

He walked up to me and used the needle to suck some of the medicine up. I tried to protest, but everything came out muffled. He then unhooked my foot from the cuffs so my legs were free. "You messed with the wrong person" he growled as he picked up the needle. He grabbed my arm, and I tried to kick him away, but he slapped me.

He shoved the needle deep into my arm and I let out a scream. He injected me with the fluid and walked away. I felt my body going limp as the fluid ran through my body. I couldn't feel the burn anymore as my whole body felt like it was on fire. I turn my head slowly to see him closing the door and locking it. He said something, but I couldn't make it out since it sounded like French.

I slowly started to blink and felt the room spinning. I watched as he began to unbuckle his pants and pull them down. No. Please no.

He walked up to me and turned my body so he was by the end of the bed. A tear slipped down my cheeks and he just laughed and said something. He yanked my body down and lowered his boxers. "Lu-" I tried to call out but it came out as a whisper.

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