Chapter 4 (Rewrite)

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Saturday. The day hangovers occur, not specifically for me but for everyone else. After the party last night, I had to literally carry Mel to her own bed since she was too drunk to stand. I have to admit the party was pretty fun. I haven't had fun like that in a while. It was now lunchtime, and everyone was practically still asleep. I called in the Chef earlier today to make lunch and dinner for them because living in a house with a bunch of hungry guys is a nightmare.

For lunch, they made vegetable fried rice with stewed chicken, beans, and salad. For dinner, they would make baked chicken, mashed potatoes, string beans, baked potatoes, and lasagna. I already had breakfast late, so I wasn't too hungry. Right now, I am just in my room going through the requested missions. My laptop started to ring, and I looked to see it was Mel calling on Skype.

"Hey," I answered as she popped up.

"Hey," she chirped back before yawning.

I glanced at the time and looked back at her. "You're up early. You normally sleep until dinnertime," I stated.

"Yeah, but I said I would help you find a job, and before you tell me 'No, it's okay, Mel. Go back to sleep. We can do it later.' I will come over there and smack you," she said while trying to sound like me.

I couldn't help but chuckle. She knew me all too well. "Number one, I don't sound like that, and number two, fine," I said, glaring at her. She jumped on her bed and clicked on something, and then I saw her computer screen. She was screen sharing.

"What this?" I asked as I looked at the page she was sharing.

"It's job listings. I figure we could start today and call in for any jobs, so on Monday, you could be -"

"Interviewed," I finished her sentence. "Smartass much?" I teased.

"Don't be jealous," she said, sticking out her tongue. Alright, grab a paper and pen. We're about to do some hardcore searching," she mumbled, now focusing on her screen.

I leaned over on my bed and opened my nightstand drawer. I pulled out my notepad and a pen. "Ready," I said.

"Alright, let me just filter the jobs. What do you want again?" she asked as she clicked the filter option.

I looked at all the options. "Umm, business. I don't want anything medical. I know my degree is somewhat medical, but I want to step out of it," I informed her.

She nodded her head. "Got you. What else?" she asked.

I continued to review the options. "Part-time job. Make sure it's around here," I said.

She typed some stuff in and then filtered it again. I watched as 4 jobs popped up.

"4! Are you kidding me? Only 4 jobs popped up?" I shouted in disbelief.

"Well, we do live in the suburbs. All these jobs are in the city—three hours away from here. Wait, don't you have a house in the City?"

"Uhh yeah." Where's she going with this?

"You can move there for the job. It's only temporary like you said. Plus, it won't cost you that much, and it's for a needed assistant," she suggested.

I stared at the screen and thought about it. It would be nice to live in the City for a little while. I know my life is here, but I was tired of feeling stuck in the same place and doing the same thing. Nothing fun ever happens here anyway.

"You should go," a voice came from my doorway. I saw Gabe leaning against the doorframe, wearing nothing but sweat.

"It wouldn't kill you to put on a shirt, you know," I said, eyeing him.

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