Chapter 26 (Rewrite)

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After Lucifer left my room, I decided to take a shower. As I showered, I couldn't help but think how much easier everything would've been if I was just left alone or if the gun had gone off. I also couldn't forget Axel's demon form. The more I thought about it, the less it scared me. It was mesmerizing in a way. I wanted to ask questions, but I felt too drained to focus. Turning the water, I hopped off and dried myself before walking into the bedroom. As I walked over to the dresser, I saw a note was written.

I'm sorry things had to come to this. I know this will probably be hard for you but we need to talk as soon as possible. James and I will be back tomorrow, and the next time you run away, I will not hesitate to smack you. See you tomorrow. Sleep well sis. - Gabe

So much for family. I crumbled the door and threw the note in the garbage. I didn't want to see them again. 

"My baby!" I heard a deep voice behind me causing me to jump in fright. I turned around to see Axel smiling down at me in awe. Before I could yell at him for scaring me, he wrapped his arms around me.

"Don't ever run away again. If you ever want to run away, I am always here for you; just please never do it again. At least take me with you," he muffled into my hair before kissing my head. I slowly nodded, and he released me from the hug with a smile on his face.

"I'll let you change," he softly spoke, to which I shook my head. "It's fine. It's not like you haven't seen me naked already," I mumbled as I started to look for clothes. I found a bra and panties, but the rest of my clothes were either gone or dirty. I turned around to see Axel lying on my bed, staring at me before smirking. "Is someone out of clothes?" he teased as he got off the bed. 

I nodded my head and pouted, "Perhaps a stranger might let me borrow a shirt." He chuckled as he closed the distance between us. "What would this stranger get in return," he raised his eyebrow curious and entertained by what was happening. 

I shrugged, "I guess they'll have to find out," I sighed.

Axel pulled me into his chest before releasing me. I looked around to see I was in his room. He dug into a drawer and passed me a grey shirt to which I thanked him. I slipped into the shirt and looked to see Axel sitting on his bed with his back against the backboard. His eyes were glued to his phone. 

I walked up to his side causing his attention to turn to me. I climbed on top of him and sat opposite of him so we were face to face. He placed his phone down and his hands grabbed my butt. 

"Your reward," I smiled, causing him to smirk. I leaned in and kissed him, and he kissed me back. His tongue slid against my lip for access, and I opened my mouth, giving in to him. He released his scent, causing me to moan in his mouth. 

He then pulled away with a wicked grin. "You like that, Sunshine?" he teased as he kissed my neck. "Yes," I breathed out as my head slowly fell back, my arms wrapped around his neck, and my fingers ran through his soft hair. 

"You know—" he paused before kissing me on the lips and pulling away. It's hard for us to control ourselves around you. Your scent is like a drug to us," he growled before kissing me again. 

"How and who is us," I muffled through the kiss. Axel pulled away, and I looked to see his eyes were black as his hands started to explore my body. "I don't exactly know how, and to Lucifer and I. The other demons can smell you too, but not the way we can," his voice came out deep. 

"You said Lucifer, and you share. What does that mean?" I asked as I recalled the conversation I had when I took those demon shots. 

"There are certain boundaries we don't cross. For example, if one of us is in a committed relationship, then it's off limits, but if you're not committed, then we vow to never make a problem out of it," he explained. 

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