Chapter 33 (Rewrite)

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Lucifer's P.O.V

I watched as she marched out of the kitchen and out of sight. I released a frustrating, angry growl. "What is wrong with her?" I hissed angrily. I heard a chuckle from the other side, and I turned to see Axel shaking his head. "What?" I spat in annoyance.

"Sometimes I just wish I could kill you," he said, glaring at me. "Don't try to tell me this is my fault because it isn't," I defended.

"Really?" he questioned as he walked around the counter. "Well, let's see, you make it hard for her to let you go, you let Gabriela beat her up, you also slept with another girl, and you still tell her you love her. Lucifer, I don't give a shit if you don't know how to deal with your emotions, but Skylar does not deserve any of that," he argued.

"Oh, please. She puts on an act. She's strong," I mumbled and sat on the stool. My phone vibrated, and I took it out of my pocket. I looked to see it was a business message. The phone was snatched out of my hand, and I looked up to see Axel's eyes shift from regular to black. He was fighting his rage. "You think she's strong?" he asked.

"You know what I mean," I rolled my eyes before reaching for my phone, but he pulled his hand back. 

"How selfish are you? You left her for four years, and she understood, but leaving without saying anything is just wrong. The girl returned to school to distract herself and even went to therapy. She got kidnapped, and let's not forget what type of things happened to her. She can't sleep because she would have nightmares about it. That's why she forces herself to stay up, and she's now having hallucinations. Not to mention she's suicidal and depressed while dealing with PTSD and her brother's shit. So tell me if she fucking strong," he growled, now standing 1 foot away from me.

I let out a groan and rubbed the back of my head. "I know she's not strong. I still do love her and want to help, but she wouldn't let me," I sighed in defeat. I then felt pain strike my face. "The fuck you punch me for," I growled, getting ready to punch him back. He's so lucky he's not like the other demons. He would have wished he was dead.

"How fucking ignorant are you?!" he shouted. "Can't you see she would get close to you, but you just drive her away? You find some stupid way of chasing her away. You know how hurt she is," he growled. "She cries most of the time, mostly because of your stupidity. You know how much it hurts to hear and see what she's going through," he spat, not allowing me to answer his question.

He was right. I hurt Sky too many times. I admit that sometimes I do it intentionally, but other times, I feel like I'm blindly doing it. The fact she still had feelings for me was honestly a miracle. 

"How am I supposed to fix this?" I groaned in frustration. "Don't turn to me for answers. I'm tired of picking up your shit and cleaning up after you. You always blame others for your fucking problems," he growled. My eyebrows arched at his statement, "You always clean up after me?" I questioned his stupid statement. "No, you don't. You're lucky I don't kick your ass here and now," I said, grabbing him by the collar. "Do it. Lu, I've known you since almost birth. Tell me if I'm wrong about this," he stated as he got out of my grasp.

I let out a frustrated groan, knowing he was right. He was right about me blaming other people for my problems. He was right about Skylar being weak and how I treat her. I knew she was struggling, but the fact that she was still fighting through it all, I considered her strong but he was right. "Drink," he asked from behind me. I turned to see him pouring himself a drink.

I let out a sigh and sat down. "You know I love her, right?" I spoke softly. He passed me the glass and looked up at me with a small smile. "I know, bro," he simply replied as he handed me back my phone. I drank my drink and looked through my phone. I will fix this, and that's a promise. 

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