Chapter 28 (Rewrite)

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Lucifer POV

My eyes snapped onto Axel, who was sucking the blood from Sky's beautiful plump lips. I thought she would find it repulsive, but instead, she was kissing back without hesitation. I clenched my hand in anger and jealousy. I was trying to be open to Sky's decision, but I have to admit that it was hard. I felt like if I ripped her away from Axel she would be angry and want him even more than she did. So here I was, trying to contain my anger while also trying not to blow a hole through Earth.

I let out a groan of frustration, "For fuck sake." Axel pulled away from Sky, causing her to pant out of breath. His eyes locked onto me, and a smirk rose to his lips. He knew how jealous I was of him at that moment. I wanted my lips to be on Sky.  

"Go take care of your girlfriend," Sky waved me off with her back turned before pulling Axel between her legs to kiss him again. Fuck, I forgot about Gabriela. I teleported outside to see this bitch was still passed out in the driveway. A smirk rose to my lips, knowing Sky did a number on her. 

I bent down and hovered over her with my head tilted to the side as I contemplated whether or not I wanted to kill her. It would be so easy. A simple touch would cause her body to disintegrate. But then people would wonder why she's missing and start contacting me. 

I let out a defeated sigh and grabbed her arm before teleporting us into her living room. I used my powers and placed her on the couch before standing in front of her. 

"Wake up," my voice came out with anger. She let out a muffled groan of pain. "WAKE UP!" my voice boomed through the house, causing it to shake. She bolted up with her eyes open. Looking around, I could see her face filled with questions, questions I didn't care to answer. 

"I want you to listen closely because I'm only saying this once," I warned causing her eyes to lock onto me. "This is the last time you're going to see me. I told you before we're already broken up. If I see you one more time around me or my house or even the office, I'll kill you," my voice grew deep with my threat. 

I watched as realization came to her face as she stared at me in shock and fear. "Understood?" I calmly asked. She nodded her head. As she blinked, I teleported back to my house, in the kitchen. My body froze as the house was completely quiet—too quiet. Using my sense of smell, I searched for Sky, who was in Axel's room.

My eyes then widened as I heard Axel speaking Latin at an incomprehensible speed humans wouldn't understand. I teleported into his bedroom to see Sky sitting in the center of his bed while Axel was sitting behind her in his demon form with his eyes black and his lips locked onto her ear. I looked at Sky's eyes to see they were completely black. She was in a trance.

Axel was in her head, implanting some sort of pleasurable fantasy, and in that moment, he was also feeding off of her. I flashed over to him with my body enflamed as my hands wrapped around his neck. I watched as his eyes snapped to me as he was back in his own head. His hands tried to pry mine off his neck as he was struggling to breathe and burning under my hand.

"I let her kiss you and have her moment with you, but one thing you're not going to do is fucking feed off her, Axel," I growled as I tossed his body across the room, causing his body to slam against the wall. I looked over to Sky, who was falling over as she was now unconscious. I quickly flashed to her and gently held her in my arms. I gently laid her down before looking at Axel, whose eyes widened in fear as he looked at me. I quickly flashed towards him and grabbed him by his horn before he could teleport. 

I quickly teleported up into Hell because I didn't want to wake Sky up yet. Using one hand, I tossed him across the brimstone ground, causing him to tumble. 

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