Chapter 17 (Rewrite)

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I walked back into my room to see Lucifer walking around. I huffed and took a seat on the couch. I made myself comfortable and turned on the TV. I slouched down on the sofa as Chronicle came on. The movie was almost over, but I decided to watch it since I liked it.

After Mel left my room and Lucifer trapped me in his stupid trance, I almost caved but kept reminding myself he left. That and how he had a girlfriend, whether I liked it or not. So, since I didn't want to do or say anything stupid, here I am, watching a movie and trying not to zone out.

I watched intensely as Andrew was about to throw his father out the window. Most people would blame him for all the damage he's done, but I don't. Everyone pushed him too far. His father was abusive and blamed him for everything. His mom loved him but she was on her deathbed. His cousin never talked to him nor hung out with him until they got powers. Andrew was the weakest one yet so strong. I honestly felt bad for him.

"Your phone's ringing," Lucifer said. I turned to see he was three feet away from me, sitting on the couch. "Where is it?" I asked.

He disappeared and then reappeared holding my phone, which was ringing in his hand. I took it from his hand and looked at the caller ID. It was James. My eyebrow shot up in confusion since he was calling at 5 a.m.

"Hey," I answered.

I heard some cheering in the background. "Hey, do you know where the barbeque sauce is?" he asked.

I mentally face-palmed myself. "You called me at 5 am just to ask me that," I asked.

"Yup," he said popping the 'p'.

I rolled my eyes. "It's in the cabinet over the stove, on the last shelf," I replied.

I heard a door open and some shuffling. "Got it. Thanks, sis," he replied. I hummed in response, and he hung up.

"Everything okay?" his voice became worried. "Yeah."

I don't understand why he's hanging around. I wanted to know, but he wouldn't tell me. "Shouldn't you be getting ready for work or something?" I said, getting up.

"It's only 5," he stated. Right. I dropped on my bed and shoved my face in the pillow. I would love to fall asleep right now. "Why wouldn't you tell me the truth," I asked as I looked up at the ceiling.

There was a long minute of silence before he replied. "You should get some sleep," he said, changing the topic.

Can't. "Yeah," I mumbled.

There was silence and I looked over to the couch to see he was gone.


"You look like a bus ran over you," Mel stated as I walked downstairs. I hummed at her comment and walked to the garage.

"Did you get any sleep at all?" she asked, following me. "I haven't gotten more than 6 hours of sleep this whole week," I said with a scratchy voice.

Her eyes widened. "That's really bad, and you're losing your voice. Wait here," she said, running out of the garage. A minute later, she came in with some black shades and a cup of tea. I slipped on the shades and took a sip of the tea. I made a gross face since it was filled with ginger.

"I'm not dri—" my voice cut off with a screech. Mel gasped and glared at me. You either drink it or I'll make you," she threatened. I let out a sigh and drank the tea while holding my breath. I shoved the empty cup in her hand, and she smiled.

I tried to ask if she was happy, but it came out as another screeching sound. "No talking," she ordered. "If you need to say something, text."

I pulled out my phone and started to type on Notes.

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