Chapter 1 (Rewrite)

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I'm rewriting this whole book... well more like editing but I'm changing certain things and adding in new things. I'm changing the character development a little as well. To think I wrote this book about over 5 years ago. I still struggle with my writing but I hope you guys enjoy it nevertheless. Let me know what you think about the rewrite. Love you all and miss you all.

<3 An Emotional Person



"Today we have come so far in life. Though the pain and hardship we have gone through comes success and victory," the girl spoke from the stage.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. The past 4 years were literal hell for me. When fuckboy left without a word, I decided to resume my education. I threw myself into my education and graduated early from high school and now college. If you ask me, I'm doing fucking fantastic. As long as I have something to do, I'm fine. I also try to do as many missions as I can with my brothers as time seems to be slipping away from us.

I miss them greatly. They're still around but some of them moved out surprisingly. By some, I mean practically almost half of them. They either bought their own house or got a house with their partner. Randy was the first to get married. It shocked us all when he announced it. We were just in the middle of a mission, and he blurted it out. I swear people pick the best time to tell you something. At first, we thought he was messing around until he brought the girl home to meet us. She is actually nice, and I'm happy for my brother.

Alex was the next to go. He announced it when we were in the middle of a pool party. Normal, right? Wrong. We had just finished a mission involving raiding a pool party and were waiting for Henry to finish talking to us. After that, Alex just blurted it out. Zac was the next one after that. Then, a majority of the rest fell in line. My eldest brothers, James, Ethan, Gabe, Justin, Cody, Carson, and a few more stuck around the house. They all claimed they weren't ready for that big step. Even though they are somewhat married, we still keep in contact and participate in missions.

After graduating high school, I started college and pursued my bachelor's degree in psychology, which brought us to this moment. I turned around to see that the guys were all waving at me with big smiles on their faces. I waved back and turned around. Everyone was here for me except those who were married. They were attending their girlfriend's or wife's graduation. It sounds crazy to have a wife who just graduated from college, right? I would think so, too, but they all married at a young age while the rest of us were dating around.

I opened the leather casing in my hand to see my degree framed. I let out a smile of accomplishment. So proud of myself. Maybe I could use some of the therapy tactics I learned on myself and be fucking normal for once. I chuckled at my thoughts. My phone started to vibrate, and I saw that the caller's ID was Andy. My finger hovered over the decline button for a few seconds before giving up and answering the call.

"I'm in the middle of graduating here," I spoke, heavily annoyed into the phone. Andy was in charge when one of the leaders would call out for the day.

"I know, I'm sorry about that but we need your help on another mission. They're losing," Andy spoke in a frantic voice.

Doesn't seem like my problem, is what I wanted to say. "Couldn't you get someone else to help?" I asked, getting more annoyed.

"Quite frankly, I don't trust anyone else and I've tried asking but they all have their own missions to do," he explained with some shuffling in the background.

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