Chapter 6 (Rewrite)

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I got into the elevator and pressed the button for the 25th floor. The door closed, and I sipped on my coffee. By the time I reached the 16th floor, I had finished half of my coffee. I pulled a stick of mint gum from my bag and chewed on it to relieve my coffee breath. I stuck the gum on the side of the cup as the door opened.

The elevator dinged, and I walked out to see yet another lady at the front desk. I threw the cup into the garbage and approached the front desk.

"Hello. I'm here for my 8 o'clock interview for the assistant spot," I informed her with a smile.

"Alright. He's running a bit—there he is," she smiled towards the dinged elevator. I looked to see another elevator opening. It was a private elevator.

The same guy I just yelled at downstairs came out of the elevator. "You've got to be kidding me," I mumbled to myself.

"Good morning, Mr. Kirkham," she greeted him, and he nodded.

"Follow," he said as he passed me. I silently followed behind him, turned a few feet away from the desk, and opened a glass door that was covered by blinds. I walked into a room to see it was his office. It looked like a Fifty Shades of Grey office, which creeped me out. It was a different shade and structure but the same size.

He walked to his desk and dropped the bag I had paid for on the desk. "Sit," he ordered. 

Am I a fucking dog? Dude is about to make me quit before I even start.

I held it together and took a seat in front of his desk. He opened his jacket, sat in his chair, and then pulled out a folder.

"Name," he said, looking at the paper. I stared at him in disbelief as he pretended nothing had happened.

Really? You're going to pretend nothing happened? "Skylar Marran."

"Age?" he wrote on the paper as he ignored my question. 

What a dick!


"Files," he ordered.

I mentally rolled my eyes, removed all the papers from the folder, and passed them to him.

"Give me a brief summary of your entire life," he said, looking through the papers.

"I was born in the U.S. Both of my parents died when I was 6. I was a straight 'A'  student in high school. I majored in psychology. I decided to give business a try since I want to experience new things. I believe my psychology degree can help in the business field when it comes to understanding situations that may need to be resolved, along with the contributing factors involved. It will open an insight as to how we can approach the situation," I stated. I'm not lying when I say I pulled those last two statements out of my ass.

He stared at me for a brief second before shuffling through some of the papers, then stopped at one. "It says here you didn't show up half of your senior year for high school, but you graduated early. How's that possible?" he asked, leaning back in his chair while looking at me.

"I was going through some personal issues at the time, but I managed to work through them and then studied hard before asking the state to give me a chance to take the exams early. I ended up passing with high grades, so I graduated early," I explained.

"Tell you what, Ms. Marran, today you will work for me for the rest of the day. I will decide at the end of today whether you will continue to work for me or not, but you will not be paid for today. If you continue to work for me, you will receive $1,500 a week. Understood," he asked.

"Yes, Mr. Kirkham," I replied. 

"Alright. We'll You are my assistant, so you will be working in the corner of the room over there," he said, pointing to the smaller desk. I nodded. You will take calls and messages, schedule meetings and appointments, and file and copy projects," he informed me.

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