Chapter 16 (Rewrite)

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I hate this.


I want all my problems to vanish.


They do quickies?!

Punch, punch

It was now 1 a.m., and I was nowhere close to sleeping. I was in the basement of my house, releasing every emotion on my punching bag. After I got home, Henry got some team to pick up the bomb. After that, I received a few calls from the guys and Mel. Sean and Nate came back, and they would stay over for the weekend in the mansion. I was probably going to head back tonight since it was Friday.

I decided it was enough boxing since I had been at it for three hours. I walked up the stairs to my bedroom. I took off the boxing tape from my hand, tossed it in the garbage, and hopped in the shower. I let the cold water run on my now-healed bullet wound and my new bruised knuckles. After rinsing my hair and skin, I walked into my closet and decided I should just spend the night outside.

I slipped into some blue denim ripped jeans and wore a white and red plaid shirt. I wore my brown timber boots and shoved my phone and card into my pocket. I walked downstairs and out the door. I decided to go on foot and walk around the city.

I walked about four blocks down and found myself in a mall that led to restaurants and a movie theater. I walked around and decided to go to the park Mel talked about going to when she was here. I pulled out my phone and got directions to the park. Eight minutes later, I found myself in a park. There was a basketball court where a lot of guys were playing. The park wasn't empty except for the belchers and the kids' area.

I decided to take a seat on the empty bleachers. I pulled out my phone, replied to a few messages, and shoved it back in my pocket. I watched the guys play some rough basketball but still remained friendly. I zoned out and looked up at the sky. The stars were not seeable except for one or two.

My phone started to ring, and I looked at the caller ID. It was Mel.

"Sup," I answered.

"Um, don't be mad, but I tried to surprise you and meet you at the house," she said with a slightly hesitant voice.

"But?" I questioned, waiting for her to continue.

"But I got lost, so I dropped off in front of the Davis INC," she mumbled.

I sighed, "I'll be there in 15 minutes," I said before hanging up.

I got my phone out and pulled up the house address. I jumped off the belchers and started to run towards the house. Not too long after, I arrived at the house. I opened the garage and chose the Ferrari. I started it up and drove through the streets to the office. 

I couldn't help but think it was weird for Mel to be in front of the office. I mean, the guys would've given her the address to the house, and I'm sure she could've just pulled up the directions on her phone. Also, I doubt the guys would let her come this far to the city alone. How did she even come here? Taking a taxi would be expensive unless she used the car, but that's still wasteful money. Something about it was suspicious, or maybe I'm overthinking. I love Mel, but honestly, I didn't want her here. I wanted to be left alone. I could already feel myself getting angry. 

In about 12 minutes, I stopped in front of the office to see a group of guys around Mel.

"For fuck sake," I sighed. I got out of the car and walked toward Mel. Once she noticed me, she ran towards me and hugged me. I could feel the panic in her breathing and relief as I hugged her back. "Let's go," she heaved in my ear.

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