Chapter 36 (Rewrite)

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I was now getting dressed for the party. It's being held somewhere else, and Axel will take me since Lucifer had to leave early. I was curling my hair a little for a light curl look. Once finished, I slipped into my dress and then into the heels. I combed through the curls, causing them to loosen up a little. I sprayed some perfume and eyed my reflection. "Not too bad," I smiled, satisfied at the reflection.

I grabbed my phone and walked out of the room and down the stairs. I entered the living room and saw Axel lying on the couch, already dressed. He was wearing a jacket, a white shirt, and jeans. "Ready?" I asked, causing his head to turn.

I watched as his mouth dropped open, and his eyes widened. I let out a nervous laugh and walked over to him. "You're so lucky I just—wow," he cut himself off as he eyed me. I let out another laugh and grabbed his hand. "Come on, big boy," I chuckled as I pulled him up.

"You look beautiful," he called behind me as I pulled him toward the door. Thank you. You look stunning as well," I smiled, turning towards him. "Thank you," he smiled back. Axel walked in front of me, and we headed toward the car—a black and gold Mustang. He opened the door for me, and I thanked him as I stepped in.

He hopped in the driver's seat, and we pulled off. "So this party is huge. When I say huge, I mean like a huge mansion party. Most people are strangers, but some know Lucifer as Davis. If anyone harasses you or even touches you, tell me or Lucifer," he stated as he sped down the road.

"Thanks, but what should I call him?" I asked.

"I just normally call him Lu. No one really dares to ask questions, but I suggest not calling him Lucifer because they're all going to look at you like some beautiful freak," he laughed. I joined in and shook my head. "Lu, it is," I giggled.

"Question, am I allowed to go exploring?" I asked. "Exploring?" he questioned with an eyebrow raised. "Yeah, like walk around on my own," I explained, looking over to him.

"Ahh, you could, but just don't go too far. It's hard to tell people's intention nowadays," he mumbled off as if he was recalling something.

After about 20 minutes of chatting, we finally pulled up to a mansion. I watched as lights flashed everywhere and people walked in and out. Axel parked the car and walked out. He opened the door for me and stuck out his hand towards me. I took his hand, and he pulled me out.

I looked around and saw some girls wearing shorts and tank tops. Axel softly wrapped his hand around my waist, and we started walking in. "How come I couldn't wear shorts, and they could?" I asked, turning my head to look up at Axel. He looked down at me and smiled. "He wants you to stick out," he said with amusement.

"I don't like attention," I whined. I heard him laugh, and we made our way through the crowd. The place was slightly dark, but as you walked further in, it was illuminated by party lights. We walked through the crowd to the end of the living room. As we got closer, I saw a black couch where Lucifer was lying back, spread out, with a drink in his hand. He had on a black leather jacket with a black shirt that he left two buttons open.

As we got closer, his eyes landed on me and widened. "I know, right?" Axel spoke in a low tone to Lucifer. Axel released me and shook his head. "I'm off to get laid. Have fun, beautiful," Axel kissed my head before disappearing into the crowd.

I turned around to see Lucifer sitting down. His hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me down on his lap. "You know, there's a lot of empty seats around," I shouted over the music. He leaned back and shrugged. "I like you better on my lap," he smirked. I rolled my eyes and looked around.

I felt something cold on my leg, causing me to squeal. I saw Lucifer's hand with the drink on my leg. Lucifer laughed, causing me to glare at him. "That's not funny. That's just evil."

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