Chapter 8 (Rewrite)

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When I arrived home, I decided to take the same car to work, so I parked in the driveway. I exited the car and headed inside the house, only to see Mel in the kitchen making breakfast. 

"What happened?" she asked, walking up to me with a concerned look. I released a yawn as I dropped the keys and phone on the counter. "I had to take care of some business," I muffled out before sitting on the stool. I laid my head on the counter.

"What time did you wake up?" she asked. "Four thirty," I mumbled.

I heard the kitchen sink turn on and off. "Okay, go shower and get dressed. I'll fix you coffee and breakfast," she said, pulling me off the stool.

I thanked her and walked upstairs. I brushed my teeth and showered. I walked over to my closet and decided to do something simple today. I got into a black and peach dress and switched the heels for a pair of flats since I was tired and my feet were already hurting. I combed my hair, pinned it back, and walked downstairs. 

"Cute," Mel commented as she placed two plates on the counter. She had made fries and bacon for breakfast. What a blessed best friend I have. She then placed down two coffee cups, and I thanked her before I started eating.

"So- when do you finish work?" she asked as she shoved a fork full of fries in her mouth.

"5. I sometimes might stay late depending on how much work there is," I said, sipping on my coffee. I couldn't help but take a deep inhale of the coffee smell. It smelt so good and warmed my insides.

"You like it?" she chuckled while shoving a slice of bacon in her mouth.

I shook my head and laughed. "Yeah. It's really good," I said as I shoved a fork full of fries and a strip of bacon into my mouth.

We ate in silence and I looked at the time to see it was 7. "I got to go. For dinner, we'll just go out, so don't bother cooking," I yawned as I grabbed the keys from the counter along with your phone.

"See you later. After dinner, you should just go straight to sleep," she said as she hugged me. "Oh, trust me. I will," I mumbled as we released her.

I walked out the door and headed to the car. I got in and started the car.

"SKY WAIT!" I heard Mel scream from inside the house. I saw her running out of the house with my bag in my rearview mirror. "You forgot your bag," she smiled as she passed it through the window.

I took it from her and threw it on the passenger seat. "Thanks," I said, giving her a small smile.

"No problem," she walked back into the house. I pulled out the driveway and headed to office. I finally reached and parked in front the building since there was no other parking. I grabbed my stuff and got out the car. I received some stares as I realized they were looking at the Bugatti.

I couldn't care less, so I entered the building. I ignored the glares from the lady at the front desk and made my way to the elevator. I walked into the empty elevator and pressed the 25th button. As the door closed, I leaned back and closed my eyes, still tired.

The door opened, and I opened my eyes to see that I was on my floor. I walked out and was greeted by the nice lady at the front desk. I greeted her back and walked into the office to see it was empty. I looked at the time on my phone to see it was 7:50. I walked to my desk and looked at the laptop, searching for any new emails, but there was nothing. I checked the files and my desk, looking for any task, but there was also nothing.

I laid my head on the desk and slowly fell asleep.

"Ms. Marran," someone's voice faded in. I let out a groan and continued to sleep.

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