Chapter 9 (Rewrite)

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"Sky, get your ass up. It's almost 7 o'clock," Mel shouted from my doorway. I bolted out of bed and ran to the bathroom. I quickly placed some mint toothpaste on my toothbrush and brushed my teeth while removing my clothes. "Mel - clothes," I said in-between brushing.

"On it," she shouted back. I hopped into the bathtub and ran the water. I took a shower while brushing my teeth. I can not be late, especially when Mr. Kirkham lectured me on it, and I promised. I rinsed my mouth and body, then shut off the water. I dried my skin and ran into my bedroom to see a full outfit placed on my bed. (Pic of the outfit below)

Mel came out of my closet, holding a pair of heels

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Mel came out of my closet, holding a pair of heels. "Mel, those heels are too high. I don't want to fall," I said as I combed my hair. "You'll be fine," she said, rolling her eyes. I glanced at the time to see that it was 7:18. I slipped into a black bra and undies, then slipped into the slim black dress that Mel had chosen, along with a soft pink blazer. I then put on the blazer and heels. Mel then placed a necklace and bracelet on me.

She handed me a matching bag and grabbed my phone. "I already did the honors and transferred everything over to this bag," she said, smiling. I grabbed her in a tight hug. "You know I love you, right?" I squealed, causing her to laugh.

"Tell me more later. You got to go," she said, pushing me out of my bedroom. I walked downstairs with Mel behind me. We walked into the garage, and I chose the red Ferrari. I grabbed the key from the hook and ran towards the car. I hopped in and threw my bag on the passenger seat.

"Good luck in the meeting," Mel shouted as the garage door opened. "Thanks," I yelled back before speeding off. I drove as fast as I could towards the office. I pulled up in front of the building and parked. My phone started to ring, and I shuffled around my bag for it.

"Hello," I said, answering it.

"Hey. Sorry, but I didn't grab breakfast and was wondering if you could just grab something from the bakery for me. I'm in the office right now, and I'm doing some paperwork," Mr. Kirkham said quickly.

"Sure. What do you want?" I asked.

"A black coffee with a waffle cone with eggs and bacon," he stated.

"Alright. Be there in a few. I'm in front of the office now," I said, stepping out of the car.

There was some shuffling before he spoke. "How many sports cars do you have?" he stated in shock.

I let out a laugh before hanging up. I grabbed my bag and ran towards the bakery—more like a speed walk so I don't trip in these heels. I walked in, and the smell of fresh coffee hit my nose. I made my way up to the counter and ordered for Mr. Kirkham, and I got the same thing for me, accepting that my coffee was regular, not black.

I waited for my order to be bagged and paid for. Before leaving, I stuffed a bunch of napkins, forks, and knives in the bag. I speeded into the building with the two coffees in my hand. I ran towards the elevator and pushed the button with my middle finger. After a few seconds, a few people came out, and I walked in. I pushed my floor button, and the door opened on my floor.

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