Chapter 12 (Rewrite)

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The alarm's music slowly faded, and I turned to look at my phone on the table beside me. My alarm had been going off for the past 20 minutes, and I hadn't realized it til now. I turned my attention back to the dimly lit living room ceiling that was being illuminated by the sun. My ears drowned out the alarm noise, and I remained on the couch, wondering what my day would be like. I spent the whole entire night just lost in my thoughts, too numb to eat or even sleep. My brothers and Mel kept calling, but I ignored every single one of them. I didn't feel like talking to anyone. I also knew if I genuinely said how I felt, they would send me back to therapy, and I would be on meds all over again. I was not going to those meds again. They made me feel worse than I did before for my depression.

I sighed and shut my alarm off after another 20 minutes of zoning out. I got off the couch and headed upstairs to brush my teeth and shower. As I was showering, I couldn't help but zone out again.

Right now, I felt like my brain was working overtime, replaying yesterday's encounter with Lucifer. Something about me admitting I didn't care to live seemed to strike something in him. Truthfully speaking, it's not like I would jump in front of a train or blow my brains out. However, it's not like I would put maximum effort into dodging a train if I were to be pushed onto the tracks. I wouldn't commit suicide, but if the scenario was with my life in danger, it's not like I'd resist death. I spent the whole night wondering if the Devil had changed since I last saw him. Was he more compassionate or understanding now?

I chuckled again at the thought. Who was I kidding? Of course not. This man didn't care about anything or anyone but himself. Sure, he did save me, but was it because he cared or didn't want to deal with the consequences after I went splat?

I finished my shower and towel-dried myself before making my way to my closet. Standing in the middle, I looked at all the different clothes. Maybe if I didn't wear business casual, I'd get fired. If that doesn't work, then I can always slack off on my work or act out. That should do something, right?

I put on a black laced corset, leather pants, and a black jacket. To top it all off, I put on a pair of black boots with 6-inch heels. I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs into the garage. Looking around, I decided to go with my motorcycle. I grabbed a helmet and put it on before hopping out and driving out of the garage. As I drove out, I realized it was still raining.

I reeved my engine and took off in the rain not caring how dangerous it was considering I was in heels. I drove through the city and pulled up to the office. I parked in front and looked up at the sky. I watched as the raindrops fell on my helmet's tinted visor. Rain is such a beautiful thing. I got off my bike and headed into the bakery across the street. I glimsped at my phone to see it was almost 9 in the morning, in other words I was late and didn't care. I took my helmet off and ordered myself a chocolate shake before making my way inside the office building. I shook the water off it along with any excess water on myself. I didn't care much about my clothes being wet. This was going to be my lame attempt at trying to get fired.

As I made my way into the lobby, the lady at the front desk just eyed me before rolling her eyes. I headed towards the elevator but stopped in my steps before turning to look at her. I walked over to her desk causing her to look up at me.

"What's your problem...Nancy?" I asked looking at her name tag. She rolled her eyes again. "I'm waiting," I growled. Part of me wanted to use my powers to choke her out right where she sat.

"I don't see how you fit in here, and your outfits are way too tacky," the bitch finally spoke a word. "Ah, I finally understand," I smirked. She was one of those bitches who think they can get anything they want in life. She also looks like the type to suck up to all the guys who work here. I seen the way she bats her eyes at them playing all innocent Hell, I even saw literally when I walked in for my interveiw and she was trying to flirt with Mr. Kirkham.

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