Chapter 25 (Rewrite)

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Yesterday was a Hell of a day. I wish I knew what was in store for me today, but I don't. After Lucifer and I hugged for a while, I got settled into another bedroom down the hall. I apologized again for destroying the other bedroom, but he just shook it off as if it was nothing to worry about. After I got settled, he and Axel took care of some private work before having dinner, which they both made, and I've got to admit, they were pretty good cooks. Once dinner was finished, they resumed their work, and I vanished into my room.

Throughout the whole night, I forced myself to stay away. I didn't want to slip back into my memories again. I learned that I was missing for almost 3 weeks. When Lucifer recused me, I only remembered the last event that happened, but as each day goes by, I end up remembering what that sadistic cunt did to me. I wasn't just stabbed multiple times. I was beaten, choked, gagged, forced to kiss him endless times, and raped. 

I felt my stomach turn as images flashed through my mind. I got off the bed and quickly got into the shower before scrubbing my body harshly with the loofah. I felt disgusted and sick as the image rapidly flashed through my mind. This was my 4th shower within 9 hours. I looked down at my hands and started rubbing my wrist and then my stomach. I could remember his body fluids all over me each time he finished. I started to scrub my chest. 

A knock came at the bathroom door, causing me to flinch. 

"Sunshine?" a voice called from the other side of the door. It was Axel. "Yes?" I called out as I continued to scrub. When you're done, get dressed. I got a surprise for you," he chipped in. I hummed in response before I continued to scrub my body three times.

Getting out, I dried my skin and looked in the mirror. My body was red, and my wounds looked fresh, as I had scrubbed harder. The bruise on my wrist was slowly fading but still visible. I was ugly. No one would like me. I looked away, walked into my room, and got dressed in black leggings, a black shirt, and a black hoodie to hide my body. 

I opened my door, revealing Axel, who was leaning against the opposite door with his hands folded across his chest. A smile rose to his lips as he saw me. 

"I've got a surprise for you," he chipped before walking down the hall. I trailed behind him and walked down the stairs before we turned to the living room.

I looked around the room to see Lucifer sitting on the couch along with James and Gabe. I looked at Axel and thanked him to which he nodded. My brothers walked up to me and James quickly wrapped me in a hug. 

"Sky," James muffled into my hair. I could hear the sadness in his tone and the pity. I felt a lump forming in my throat as he said my name. I looked behind him to see Gabe looking, trying to read me. 

"So when do I go home?" I asked as James continued to hug me while my eyes were on Gabe. Gabe shook his head hinting James wasn't going to let me come home anytime soon. I looked to Lucifer and Axel who were just watching Gabe and me communicate through our eyes. 

James then released me from the hug. "You've got to spend some time here. It's for your own safety. Lucifer told me that you didn't want to see a therapist. He also told me you're going through PTSD," he commented as he informed me what he knew. 

My eyebrow rose in confusion, "So you're not letting me come home because of some bullshit PTSD? I'm fine," I chuckled. 

James glared at me, "Sky, it's fucking raining," he pointed to the window. "You've got to understand the position this puts us in," he sighed as he continued to walk around while talking. I drowned him out and looked at Gabe who was already looking at me. I looked back at James who was still talking whilst walking around. I wanted to punch James. You can't fucking keep me here.

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