Chapter 19 (Rewrite)

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After a couple of hours, it was lunch. I looked over my shoulder to see Gabriela pulling Lucifer out of his chair. He took her hand in his and walked towards the door. "I'm going out for lunch today. You all have an hour's break," he stated before walking out. I watched as the door closed and they walked into the elevator and the door closed.

"You want to come to lunch with us?" Mike asked, walking up to me. I got up and shook my head. "No, sorry. There are some things I need to sort out," I replied. They just nodded and left. I walked around the room and looked for a shredder. I finally found one in a closet. I pulled it out and looked around the room. If I can't quit, then I'll just get myself fired.

I walked to the filing cabinet and removed everything from the first self. I then went over to the shredder and started to shred the files. After a while, I decided it was taking too long. I focused my power and pulled out all the files from every self in the room. I watched as papers flew around the room and then ripped apart into tiny pieces.

The papers dropped to the ground, and I walked over to Mike's desk and grabbed the office laptop. I threw it to the floor and smashed it until I was sure it wouldn't work again. I then did this to Jake's computer and Lucifer's. Death wish, much?

I walked over to Lucifer's desk and sat down in his chair. I started to open his drawers to see papers, which, of course, I then ripped apart. I pulled out the last drawer, but it didn't open since it was locked. Locks were never a problem for me since I could just use my power to break them open. The lock then popped open, and I pulled open the door not long before gasping.

A picture of me lay on top. I slowly picked up the picture and looked at it to see it was from four years ago. I was in a nice blue and white dress. I turned the picture around to see something written in the script.

Skylar Marran, the love of my life. My heart will always belong with you.

I felt my heart drop. I placed the picture on the desk and looked inside the drawer. I pulled out a notebook and opened it to see the same handwriting.

Day 1. I left her. It hurt, and I still love her.

Day 2. I never said goodbye, but I still love her.

I skipped some pages and then read.

It's day 70. It's been about three months, and I miss her so bad. I still love her.

Day 110. It doesn't get easier. I still love her.

I kept skipping days, and I noticed they all had something in common: I still love her. I angrily threw the book back in the drawer and kicked it shut with my foot. I picked up the picture and stared at the writing. He really did love me all this time. He could have come back to be with me, but no, he didn't.

The door opened and I looked up to see it was Jake and Mike. Their faces were filled with shock as they looked around the room that was now trashed. "He's going to kill you" Mike choked out as he stepped over the broken laptop.

"Better than being here, right?" I asked. Jake just shook his head and followed behind Mike as he walked towards me. "What's that?" he asked, referring to the photo in my hand. I placed it on the desk and pushed it towards him. Jake peeked over his shoulder, and they both looked at it and read what was written on the back.

"Where'd you find this?" Jake asked as he took the photo from Mike. "His draw," I shrugged. They both looked at me in disbelief. "You know," Jake started as he turned around. I should be more shaken and ask a ton of questions but for some odd reason... I'm okay with it," he stated as he sat in his chair.

Mike shook his head, "Something you rarely see," he said, pointing behind him at Jake with his thumb. We both looked at Jake to see him glaring at us before we all burst out laughing. Our laughs eventually died down, and then it hit me, "You guys came back early from lunch when you have an hour," I stated.

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