Chapter 56

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"Baby girl" a familiar voice whispered.

I let out a moan of tired and pain. I felt something cold touch my forehead and I bolted up gasping for air. I frantically looked around to see Lucifer towering over me.

I started coughing and I felt a lump in my throat. "What do you want" I hissed as I laid back down.

"You're sick. I heard you moan so I decided to check on you. You need to take a cool shower" he responded.

I hummed in response and snuggled up the blanket for warmness. "Sky" he called.

I covered my face with a pillow and drifted off to sleep.


"Sky" someone called.

I let out a groan and slowly opened my eyes to see Gabe.

"You need to get up and eat something. You slept through the whole day. It's almost 7pm. I understand you're sick so you're going to take some medicine" he stated. I closed my eyes but he grabbed my covers and slowly pulled it away from me. I felt the coldness hit my body.

"You need to shower and eat something, plus the party is starting. You might feel a bit better" he sang while pulling me off the bed.

I got up and buried my head in the crook of his neck. "Sky you're really burning up" he hugged me and I hummed. He then swooped me up bridal style and walked into the bathroom.

"I'll help you get dress but you have to shower" he placed me sitting down on the counter. I nodded and leaned back. He turned the pipe on and pass me my toothbrush with Crest on it. I slowly scrubbed my mouth and moaned at how much pain I was in.

"Yo" someone called.

"In here" Gabe replied.

James walked in and looked at me with a small smile. He was all dressed up for the party. I turned to Gabe who was also dressed up and I hadn't noticed. "How you feeling" James placed his hand over my forehead and I moaned in response.

"She's really sick but don't worry, I got her" Gabe stated.

"Good. Make sure she eats" he replied as I rinsed my mouth out. Gabe and James exchanged a few words before James left and I heard the bedroom door lock and closed.

"So who told you I was sick" my voice came out scratchy as he helped me off the counter.

"Lucifer. He heard you wincing in pain and tried to make you get up but you were to sick so he told us" he spoke as he turned on the shower.

"I'll get your clothes. Go shower" he gave me a small smile and I thanked him before he left. I took off my clothes and got in the shower. I hugged my body as the coldness hit me then the warm water. 

I slowly turned it to cold so my fever would lighten up. I washed my hair and scrubbed my body. The water felt a bit like glass against my skin but not as strong as the other time I was sick

I got out the shower and dried myself. I walked into the bedroom to see a gray crop top with a plaid soft hoodie and black skinny jeans on the bed.

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