Chapter 13 (Rewrite)

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I stared at Jake as he spoke about something I didn't care about. Occasionally, I found myself glimpsing behind him to Lucifer, who was sucking the girl's face off. I came to the realization that I was a bit jealous. He could have a girlfriend but couldn't stay with me because it was too dangerous. I call bullshit.

I watched as she kissed him and let out a laugh. "I bought you lunch," she giggled as she pulled out trays from the bag.

"Oh my God!" Mike whispered in a hushed tone, looking at me. I looked at him to see he and Jake were shocked. "What? What did I miss?" I asked, thinking I probably missed something in his story or that he was upset I wasn't paying attention. "Dude," Jake spoke, bewildered.

"I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention," I apologized. I probably seemed like an asshole. I didn't do it intentionally.

"He's your ex," Mike whispered. My eyes locked onto his as my brain started overloading with all the excuses I could make.

Maybe say he was from my college class. Nah, that wouldn't work. I could say I ran into him at a gay bar. Oh, that could work, but then Lucifer would probably barade me about it later. Maybe my car had shut down a few weeks ago, and he helped me. Or have I seen him walk dogs on the weekend? He didn't have a poop bag, so he scooped it up with his hand and put it in his pocket. Funny, but I can't say that. I'm taking too long! SAY SOMETHING! ANYTHING!

"What? No. I met him 2 weeks ago at a coffee shop," I smiled with the simplest lie.

Mike and Jake both looked at each other before giving me a look. They clearly didn't believe my words because they both started laughing.

"The lie was not even close to being believable," Jake chuckled. "It's pretty obvious. The way he looks at you and the way you look at him like you want to kill him," Mike filled me in.

"Oh," was all I could manage to say. They both looked at me, waiting for some tea. I sighed and continued, "Yes, he is my ex from 4 years ago. I didn't know he was the CEO of this company. If I knew, I wouldn't have applied to work here." I heard a giggle, and my eyes looked past Jake to the bitch I mean, chick, that was now sitting down in the chair next to him.

"Her name's Gabriela. She's the designer of Fifty2 clothing line," Jake informed me.

My attention went back to him, and my eyebrow rose, "Wait, isn't that the shitty clothesline that came out and it -"

"Somehow made it big. Yes," Jake cut me off. Her whole clothing brand looked like scraps of clothes just thrown through a shredder. A homeless person wore better clothes than her brand. It was pretty embarrassing. I still don't understand how the line made it, considering I've seen no one wear it. I watched as she reached for her soda. I restrained the urge to use my powers to cause the soda to explode on her. Oh, so tempting.

The door opened, and a guy walked in carrying the three bags. Mike took it from his hand, and he left. I'm guessing Lucifer had already paid somehow. Mike passed Jake a bag and handed me one.

Jake opened his tray, and it was pork with fried rice. Mike had white rice with sesame chicken. I opened mine to see shrimp and broccoli with white rice. He remembered my favorite type of Chinese takeout. Maybe some part of him did care. I looked at him and saw a soft smile on his face as Gabriela yapped away in his ear. I then reminded myself of the situation and how he had moved on from me. I looked down at the tray and closed it.

"Do you guys want my lunch? I'm not hungry," I said, offering it to them. They both nodded and decided to split it.

I looked at Lucifer, who was frowning.

"Honestly, I would pick you over her," Jake said as he stuffed his mouth with some rice. "Agreed," Mike said as he stuffed his mouth as well. I stared at them both, causing their eyes to widen.

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