Chapter 50

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As I walked into the lobby, I saw some of the guys dressed and waiting around. Others started to head out.

"You're really wearing that dress to go" Lucifer mumbled next to me. I turned and glared at him. "It's bad enough I can't get rid of you so just shut up" I replied. He seem to take it pretty hard because he took a few steps away.

"I'm taking the Lambo. Who's coming? Need 2 people" I shouted since I assume Axel and dipshit was already riding with me.

"Guess who" someone covered my eyes from behind. "JAY" I squealed loudly. The hands released me and I turned around to see Jay dressed up as well. He pulled me into a hug and picked me up.

"You look so gorgeous" he commented. I returned the hug and laughed, "Thank you" I replied. He placed me down and kissed my forehead, "James called me as soon as possible and told me you were back. He also told me you were going to the club" he grinned.

"I am. We're going to leave now. You want to ride with me or you taking your car" I grinned back. "I got my baby" he was referring to his car.

"Alright, well I'll see you there" I ruffled his hair causing him to chuckle. "Alright, see you" he swatted my hand. I let out a small laugh and went into the garage. I hopped into the driver seat of the Lambo. Axel opened the door to the passenger seat but Lucifer pushed him aside and took it causing Axel to take the backseat.

I rolled my eyes and started the engine. I then pulled out the garage and speeded of to the club. The car was filled with silence and I was thankful. A car horn came from my left and I looked out the window to see Carson driving along with James in the passenger seat. In the backseat was Mason, Gabe and Cody.

I beeped my horn back as recognition. James then slowly held up his phone and mouthed, "Check your phone" before they drove off.

I grabbed my phone from the cup holder and unlocked it. "Since when do you check your phone and drive" Lucifer asked. I ignored his comment and looked to see James had sent me a message. I opened it up and read it.

James: Gabe has been a bit different lately. I don't know what's wrong. Try to find out

Me: I will. When did he start acting different

I looked up at the road and stepped harder on the gas. My lap vibrated and I looked down to see James texted back.

James: Like 2 weeks ago

Me: Alright. I'll talk to him

I locked my phone and we drove down the highway in peace and quietness. Minutes later we soon pulled up to the club. I skipped the cars in front us and stepped out the car. People started honking their horn since I skipped them.

"Ms. Marran, nice to see you" a guys voice came up next to me. I turned to see it was Lei, the valet.

"Hey Lei and yeah. My friend wanted to see" I said nodding to Axel. Lucifer rolled his eyes but stayed quiet. "Alright well have fun" he smiled before getting in the car. I thanked him and walked towards the entrance. There was a long line of people waiting to get in but of course I just skipped them all.

There were two buff security guys who stood at the entrance. "NO SKIPPING BITCH" someone yelled. The two buff guys quickly turned there heads to whoever said that. I turned my head towards the line of people.

"Who said that" I glared at everyone. "I did" a chick stepped to the side.

"And what's your name big mouth" I rolled my eyes.

"It's Stacy Winston bitch. You're not allowed to skip everyone" she rolled her eyes.

"You here with anyone else" I asked.

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