Chapter 37 (Rewrite)

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Just centimeters away from our lips meeting. After four years of wanting him in my arms again, here he was, and our first kiss since then was about to happen. Butterflies flew around my stomach, and his scent filled my lungs, taking my breath away. 

As our lips were about to meet, a phone rang, causing us to stop. Lucifer released a growl, and I pulled away so he could answer. I went to get up, but he just pulled me closer. "Hello," he answered the phone. If he wasn't here right now, I probably would be swinging in the air right now. We were so close to kissing now, who knows? We might have to wait another four years to kiss.

I stared at him as he rolled his eyes at the person on the other line. I shook my head and smiled at him. "Just fix it. You get paid to do your job, you know," he ordered before handing it up. "How come you're always working 24/7," I asked, a bit annoyed.

"Your presentation about the shipment made it big," he explained. "Right," I said, remembering how I helped him and his company. Let's go dance," I smiled, and I got up. I pulled him off the couch and made my way to the dance floor. I turned around and wrapped my hands around his neck as he gripped my waist. He pulled me closer, and we swayed to the music.

We stayed like this for the following three songs, just dancing around and having fun. After that, we decided to drink and sit for a few since my feet were killing me in these heels. "I'll be back," Lucifer sighed before getting up from the bar stool. "Okay," I mumbled. He gave me a small smile and disappeared into the crowd. I turned around and drank my drink.

"My beautiful Sunshine, what you doing here alone?" Axel's voice came next to me. I turned my head to see his hair ruffled and his shirt wrinkled. "Just drinking," I said, holding up my cup. He grabbed my cup and chugged down my drink. I rolled my eyes and looked around. These drink-stealing demons, I swear.

"Where's Lucifer?" he asked. "He just said he had to do something," I stated, turning to look at him. His face tensed up, and his hand turned into a fist. "The other leaders are being a pain in the ass to handle," he hissed. "Why doesn't he just fire them?" I asked.

"He's thinking about that," he said, placing the cup on the counter. Let's go dance," he grabbed my hand. "My feet hurt," I whined. "Don't care. I'm getting this dance whether you want to or not," he laughed as he pulled me off the stool. I rolled my eyes as he pulled me towards the dance floor behind him.

He spun around and looked at me before grabbing my waist. I wrapped my hands around his neck, and we swayed to the music. "So I'm guessing you got laid already," I shouted over the music. "Yeah. It wasn't the best, but it was okay. Want to be the third? From when I feed on you, I got to admit it makes me want you more," he said, wiggling his eyebrows before winking.

I couldn't help but burst out laughing. "Maybe one day, but third? I wanna be the first and only," I laughed. His grip on my waist tightened a little, and I looked up at him to see his eyes were black. My eyes widened as I knew something was wrong. I looked around to see if anyone was watching us, but they were all drunk and zoned out to the music.

"What's wrong?" I asked, pulling his head down so he was looking down at me. "There's a guy in this room who has...disturbing thoughts about you," he growled. I stared at him, not knowing how to respond. "Where?" I asked. "He's behind me, about 30 feet away," he hissed.

"Chill out, big boy," I said, ruffling his hair. "It's nice of you to be overprotective, but I can handle it myself."

"He's coming here. I'm going to rip his throat out," he growled. "No, you're not. You're going to continue dancing with me and chill out," I smiled, trying to calm him down.

He let out a sigh, and his eyes changed back to normal. "Hey, Sky," a familiar voice said. I turned my head, and my eyes widened. "Mark," I choked out, causing a chill to run down my spine.

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