Chapter 5 (Rewrite)

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"Are you trying to make me barf during the interview," I shouted at Mel as she shoved another chocolate chip pancake on my plate. 

This morning, Mel woke up early and cooked me a nice breakfast—no, a nice feast. She cooked chocolate pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, and hashbrowns. Some would say this was nice of her, but I believe she's just trying to make me puke on whoever is interviewing me. 

"You need to be energized. If you get the job, he or she will make you start then and there. This is the city Sky. The city doesn't play games," she shouted back as she poured more bacon strips onto my plate. "If you're not going to eat it, then you should get a move on. You're going to be late," she said, dragging me out of my chair and hurrying me upstairs.

"Mel, for heaven's sake! It's only six thirty in the morning," I groaned as she pushed me into my room. I love Mel, but she's really pushing it. I am not a morning person.

"Just go shower. I'll get your clothes," she said, walking into my closet.

I sighed, knowing trying to argue with her would be useless. "I swear, you make me dress girly, and I'll make you pay," I mumbled before entering the bathroom. I brushed my teeth again and took my shower.

After my shower, I returned to see a white top, a blue and green-patterned shirt, and a dark blue blazer. I slipped into the outfit and then felt something being placed around my neck. "It's a necklace I found in your wardrobe," Mel said, pulling my hair out of my shirt.

I combed over my hair and looked at my reflection in the mirror, only to be stunned. "You always outdo yourself," I said, smiling at her, causing a grin on her face. Despite Mel majoring in Psychology, she always had a knack for fashion. You can literally give this girl some scraps of clothes and she'll make something from it. She even has a bunch of sketchbooks of different outfits she came up with. It was pretty cool.

"Why do you think my next degree will be majoring in Fashion, " she wiggled her eyebrows. My phone started to ring, and I looked at the caller ID to see it was James. 

"Hey, you're on speaker," I answered as I laid the phone on the dresser and combed my hair. "So are you. Just calling to say good luck," James replied.

"GOOD LUCK, SKY!!" the guys all screamed through the phone.

"Gosh dang," Mel replied as she covered her ears.

"Thank you guys," I laughed.

"We have to go on a mission run, but we decided to call you first. We'll call back tonight to see how things went," James said, as I heard some shuffling around in the background.

"Alright. Take care and be safe," I said, picking up the phone.

"You too," Ethan replied. "LOVE YOU!" they all screamed once again, and I giggled as Mel covered her ears again.

"I love you too, guys. Bye," I said before hanging up. My brothers were always supportive of everything I wanted to do. They were never against me, and I loved them deeply for it. 

I looked at Mel, who had a straight face. "How does that not hurt your ears?" she said, pointing to the phone. "I live with them," I chuckled.

"Yeah, yeah. Well, you should get going. It's seven fifteen," she said looking at her phone.

"You just want me out of the house," I teased as I grabbed a random white purse. I opened the bag and threw in my wallet, keys, and a pack of gum.

We both walked downstairs, and I grabbed the folder from the table. I turned around to see Mel with a huge smile plastered on her face. "So I would tell you good luck, but I know you will kill this interview. If you come home late, I know you got the job. If you come home early, then I'll kick his or her ass for not hiring you," she said while hugging me.

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