Chapter 3 (Rewrite)

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After lunch, Nate gave me a case of customized throwing knives, and I enthusiastically tackled him with hugs and kisses before he left. The guys went home while I went over to Sean's house. He informed me that he would have to go in a couple of hours to meet up with Nate, and he'd be gone for a couple of months or so to handle some offshore business, and he would have to go off the grid. He seemed to notice how sad it made me because in the next moment he gave me a gift.

I kid you not; I probably broke this man's eardrum from squealing in excitement. It was the cutest charm bracelet I've ever seen. The whole theme was of the ocean. I loved the ocean so much I could probably drown in it and be happy. Something about being in the water made me feel at peace. He placed it on me, and after that, we started making out before having sex for the remaining time we had left. After he dropped me home, we kissed again, and he left. Only to rinse and repeat the cycle the next time we met up. 

After a few hours, James was hanging out in my bedroom, trying to convince me to go to a party. "I told you. It's a normal party, so wear something casual," James said as he lay on my bed, throwing a basketball in the air.

"When did you get a basketball?" I asked as I sat on the window ledge, looking out to the beautiful green field. "Two days ago. Cody and I wanted to play some basketball, so we got one," he explained, tossing it in the air. "Don't try to change the subject," he sat up and glared at me.

"The guys and I...including you, haven't been to a party in a long time. I think it would be fun," he suggested. He was right. Since Lucifer left, we haven't really done anything much except do missions and whatnot. Maybe some therapy here and there for little ole Skylar.

"You know, every time someone convinces me to do something and says, "It will be fun," it just means something will go wrong. It's like a jinx," I glared.

James paused for a second. "True, but this time it will be different, and if there's any problem, we can come home," he offered. I didn't want to go. It's been a while since I partied, but I knew the guys would love to go. If I wanted to leave, I wouldn't tell them to ruin their night. Instead, I'll just drive myself home. There's no harm in that.

"Fine. We can go, but can Mel come?" I pouted. He hopped off my bed, ran towards me, and picked me up. "OF COURSE!" he squealed in a high-pitched voice as he spun me around. "You're the oldest in the house, and you still manage to be the silliest one," I laughed as he spun me around.

Mel was my best friend. Who knew that would happen right? We had the same classes for 4 years since we were going for the same major. Over the course, we became close and found out we liked many of the same things. We liked the same type of movies, music, books, and much more. I let Mel into my life, and she took it pretty well, to be honest. She knows about my background and my gifts. However, she doesn't quite know how I make my money. I told her I just help people and she just never questioned it after that.

"I'm not that old!" James defended, "I'm only older than you by 4 and a half years."

"Yeah. Four years isn't anything," I said sarcastically with a smirk. "Didn't you bend down to pick something up last week and almost throw your back out," I clutched my stomach as I was now fully blown, laughing at the memory.

He rolled his eyes and grabbed his basketball. "First of all, I forgot to stretch and second, it was a cramp. I'll tell the guys we're going. Be down in an hour, kiddo," he ruffled my hair before shutting my door and walking out.

I pulled out my phone and texted Mel.


There's a party tonight and you're going if I have to. Dress casual

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