Chapter 40 (Rewrite)

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"Go get dressed. I got it from here, and people will start coming soon, so hurry up," Justin rushed out while pushing me towards the stairs. Today was Mel's birthday, and we were currently setting up the house for the party. Everything was in place, from the decorations to the food to the alcohol. We invited Mel's friends and some of my brothers' friends. Her family didn't really acknowledge her, so we didn't bother to ask them.

I headed upstairs and into my room. I locked the door, took out a floral dress, and hit the shower. We planned the party yesterday, and surprisingly, everything worked out, considering it was a last-minute plan. I also bought Mel's dress yesterday. She was currently at work and thought no one remembered her birthday—well, except me. I texted her this morning and told her I couldn't be there to celebrate it with her.

For some reason, it took a lot of convincing to let Lucifer allow me to return to my home for this event. It's stupid how I need permission like I'm being babysat. Speaking of babysitting, he wasn't going to leave me alone at this party, so he just left to finish some work, and he will be back before anyone arrives. I begged Axel to be with me instead, considering how Lucifer quickly pissed me off, but he had stuff to do.

I still hated James for taking me out of the missions and banning me from my house until I told him what happened. I'm also still pissed Lucifer agreed with him about denying me from accepting missions. Keeping me from missions, let alone from my own house, does not benefit anything in my eyes. Last time I checked, I was also the leader, but according to a document my parents made when I was small, James would be in charge if anything happened to me. Bullshit if you ask me.

The more I thought about everything, the more I came to realize how much of a fucked up person I am when it came to Lucifer's and I's relationship. The number of times this guy has hurt me, I easily forgave him or turned a blind eye quickly. Our relationship was toxic, definitely toxic, and here I was, still smitten by him like the dumbass bitch I am. I was doing fine last year as I was getting over him, finally. But somehow, I run into him by fate or whatever you want to call it. Did I like being hurt by him? Is that why I easily forgive him? Either way, I'm stupid, and I hate myself for it. 

I got out of the shower and got dressed. I stared at my reflection, contemplating whether to change or not. I wasn't too fond of the dress or my appearance. The more I stared, the more I realized I didn't want to be here anymore. It's as if my antisocial battery just turned on. 

(Skylar's Dress)

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(Skylar's Dress)

A knock came at my door and I walked over to open it revealing a concerned Randy. "What's taking you so long?! Mel already arrived, and she's in the shower now!" Randy pointed to her room. Well, there goes me changing outfits. "Alright, who's here? Does she know anything?" I questioned, walking into my closet.

"A lot of people are downstairs, and she knows it's her birthday party, but she doesn't know you're here," he informed me, trailing behind me. I pulled out a dress I bought for Mel and walked over to the dresser. I grabbed the envelope with her acceptance letter and walked out of my room.

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