Chapter 15 (Rewrite)

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The smell of freshly cut grass in a peaceful cemetery has a different tone. I placed the new bouquet of flowers into the empty vase and filled it with a bottle of water. I sat down between the plots of my mother and father and stared at the stones. "Where do I start?" I mumbled to myself.

This week has been such a mess. From missions to being sleep-deprived, barely eating, and Lucifer reappearing in my life, I've been a mess. When I woke up this morning, my room was filled with strange smells, and as creepy as they sounded, I liked them. It then hit me that I didn't remember what happened last night. Gabe then called me, and the guys sent me some clips of me on the news, but no one outside of our group knew who I was. 

Appearently, the whole of NYC was after me, and I was cornered, but I don't recall how I got out of the situation. When I entered the garage, my bike and helmet sat there. I then called my mechanic to change the wrap of my motorcycle since it would be noticeable if I drove it around. I tried my hardest to remember how I got home but couldn't.

I sat on the grass, plucking it individually, trying to simultaneously arrange my words and thoughts. "I miss you as always," I commented with a smile. "I wish we were still together. There would be less... chaos than what I deal with now," I slurred off in my last few words, trying to compose myself. "I would do anything to bring you back just for myself. Sounds a bit selfish, I know. I think I picked that up from Dad," I said, turning to Mom's stone. I could imagine her laughing right now and Dad being offended.

"He never did share his soda with me," I added. What a lame conversation. I wish I could tell my parents how I felt. I wish I could tell them how I felt like dying. How I didn't care about my decisions. How if death came knocking, I would greet it with a hug. But even when they're gone, I couldn't bring myself to tell my parents that. 

I changed the conversation. "I know I was supposed to come on my graduation day, but I got tied up with a mission and got angry," I stated, "and I'm sorry for that."

"The guys are okay. They miss you, too. I know they visit you, too, just on their own time. I want to tell you guys what recently happened, but I'm not ready to tell you yet. I'm sorry," I said, lowering my head. I hung around the cemetery for a bit more and then decided to leave. I stood up and grabbed the empty water bottle I used to water the plants.

"I will visit again. I love you both," I said softly before leaving. I left the cemetery and threw the bottle away in a nearby trash can. I walked up to my car and got in. As I started it, I laid my head on the steering wheel and let out a heavy sigh as I felt my heart breaking. I felt so alone. My phone ran and picked up without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello," I mumbled. Mission. West 3rd Street. There are some gang-related activities, and there's going to be a shootout at any moment. Stop it and take out everyone," Henry quickly informed me.

"How big is this?" I asked.

"Big," he responded fast.

No shit. HOW BAD?

"I'm sending you the address right now," he stated.

I looked at my phone to see the address. "If this is big, I'm going to need backup," I stated in a duh tone as I started to drive to the location. "There's no time for backup. It's too far. We need you there fast," he ordered. I let out a groan before hanging up. I drove up to a substantial isolated dock, and next to it was a massive warehouse with cars parked next to it.

I parked behind some trees and got out of the car. I took off my jacket and threw it on the seat, then opened the trunk and took out a pistol with a silencer and an Ak. I grabbed the grenade belt and slipped it around me along with some extra ammo. I closed the trunk and headed to the dock in stealth mode.

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