Chapter 7 (Rewrite)

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"I told you you'd get the job," Mel screamed, jumping up and down on the couch. "Um, I believe I told her first," James shouted through the phone over her screams. I laid back on the couch as Mel and James started arguing. "No, you didn't. I did," she shouted into the phone.

"Ha. Sure," James replied sarcastically. "Whatever," she mumbled as she ate her mint chocolate chip ice cream.

I picked up the phone and took off from speaker call. "How did everything go?" I asked, referring to the mission. He released a sigh before talking. "It was alright. We had to help another gang that was attacked."

I rolled my eyes. "Who was it this time," I asked, referring to the gang that needed help. "Fetch," he said, calling out one of the gang leaders. "Do you want me to have a meeting with the leaders?" I asked.

Lately, the organization hasn't been giving us a break. Not to mention, the other gangs have become a bit more sloppy. So sloppy that they end up calling us a majority of the time to come save their asses.

"No, it's okay. After today, Ethan, Gabe, and I talked to Henry and the other leaders. Since Jayson is also a leader, he promised to make that stop," he explained, and I hummed in response. "You should go to sleep. It's about to be 12, and you start your new job tomorrow, well, the second day," James chirped.

"What's with everyone trying to get rid of me?" I teased.

"It's about time we did," he said jokingly.

"Good night, James," I sang.

"Good night, Sky," he sang back before the line went dead.

I looked at Mel, who seemed to be passed out on the couch. I shook my head, covered her with a sheet, and picked up the ice cream cart. I turned off the lights and headed into the kitchen to put her ice cream in the fridge. I then headed upstairs and hopped in my bed. Moments later, I drifted off to sleep.


My ringtone blasted through the room, and I groaned in annoyance as I sat up and answered. "Hello," I muffled into the phone, still half asleep.

"There's a mafia leader in your area and he's in an underground street fight club. You need to take him out," Henry spoke fast through the phone.

"Couldn't you get someone else?" I whined, still asleep. "No. this guy rarely shows up. I'll send you the address and his details," he typed something in before the line went dead. I groaned into my pillow and got out of bed. I looked at the time to see it was 4:30 in the morning.

I walked to my closet and slipped into some black leggings and a black shirt. I wore a black beanie and went with my all-black sneakers.

I grabbed my phone and walked downstairs to find Mel asleep on the couch. I went to the fridge and wrote on the whiteboard.

Be right back. Left for job

I silently opened the door and walked into the garage. I decided to go with the Bugatti since it was the fastest. I looked at my phone and saw Henry had sent me the address. I typed it in the GPS and drove to the location. Only 10 minutes away. As I drove, I looked at the guy's background. He was in his late 20s and was a bit buff. He went by the name Lightning as a show.

I pulled up to the location to see it was a dark alleyway. I drove up one block ahead and parked the car. I got out of the car and opened the trunk. I looked around the bag, deciding how to take this guy out. Maybe I'll just make him choke. No weapons are needed except my powers. I decided to take a combat knife in case of emergencies. I tucked it under my shirt and closed the car.

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