Chapter 49

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Axel P.O.V

"I like what you've done to your hair" I chirped as she blow dried her hair. "Thanks" she smiled in the mirror. "I also like your new tats" I added.

"Stop sucking ass" she teased and I rolled my eyes and laughed. It was nice seeing her happy. "So you happy to be going back" I asked referring to going back home.

"Sort off. I'm happy about seeing my bros again and my best friends but not so happy about who else I might see" she added as she combed through her hair.

"Fair enough I guess. We got like 2 hours before your cloak ups. What do you want to do" I asked.

"Well it's no use staying here for the two house so we can stay here for one and the other you could just flash me home and I could hang with my bros and besties" she grinned.

"Alright" I smiled. I pulled out my phone and texted James that we would be there in the next hour.

I watched as she threw on a muscle shirt which when with her black ripped skinny jeans. She hopped on the bed and laid on her stomach. "You done staring" she smiled while looking up at me.

"Not yet" I smiled back. She shook her head and layed her head on my lap. "So how are you? What's new" she asked turning to lay in her back.

"Nothing much. I've been interested in this girl. We went on a few dates and things really seem to hit it off" I stated.

"What does she looks like" she asked. I pulled out my phone and showed her a picture of the girl. "Oh my gosh. She's so pretty. What's her name" she asked.

"Makenzie. She's a nurse part time" I smiled. Sky reached up and pinched my cheeks. "Awe you like her" she squealed. I licked her hand and she made a face then wiped it on my shirt. We both joked around for the next hour until it was time to go.


Skylar P.O.V

"Ready" Axel asked as I slipped on my ring. I nodded my head and he held my hand. Within a blink we were back in front the house. I excitingly started to jump up and down. Axel chuckled behind me and I quickly scanned my hand on the pad causing the door to click open.

I pushed the door open quick and the first face I see was Gabe. His lips twitched up in a grin and I scream in excitement and charged at him. He held opened his arms and I leaped into them.

"I MISS YOU" I screamed in excitement. He spun me around and more guys came in. I was now being passed around like a hot potato but I didn't mind. I was extremely excited. I was finally placed down and everyone stared at me with smiles.

"Love your new look" Justin chirped and the rest of them agreed. "So how was Iceland" James asked as he drank his beer.

"Pretty nice. We should actually get a huge piece of land there. It's quiet and nice" I admitted. "Ohh and I have to show you all something. You know how I never was able to fully obtain the skill of flying" I asked. There eyebrows rose in curiosity, "Yes" they answered simultaneously.

I lifted myself up in mid-air and they started cheering wild. I let out a laugh and placed myself back down. "I had a lot of free time so I tried to get the hang of flying and now I can" I squealed. We all laughed and shared some jokes for a while.

"So how have you been" Ethan asked.

"Pretty good. How about you guys" I smiled.

"Same as well. Ohh you should go surprise Mel and probably explain to her what happened. We never told her" Randy grinned.

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