Chapter 35 (Rewrite)

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While eating, we made some small talk here and there. It was mostly about what had changed for us within our past four years apart. "Would you like a refill?" the server asked with a smile. I shook my head. "No, thank you," I smiled. She nodded her head and left. I was honestly full. We had just finished our main dish, and Lucifer was just waiting for dessert.

I saw a flash and turned to see a photographer. He was taking pictures of the customers, who were all smiling. I watched as he took a picture of a toddler whose face was covered in whipped cream. He giggled as the man made a silly face before taking their photo. Something about it broke my heart. "Here's your dessert," the girl spoke, bringing me to look at her. Lucifer silently thanked her, and she walked off.

How could this guy have room for dessert? I watched as the brownie was covered with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and then chocolate syrup. He picked up the spoon and sliced a piece. I watched as he scoped it up and held it towards me. I looked up to see him smiling, "Try it."

I shook my head. "I'm too full," I admitted. He rolled his eyes and took the first bite. I saw another flash and turned to see the guy taking another picture of a family. "Skylar," Lucifer called. "Ye-" I was cut off by something shoved in my mouth. I looked to Lucifer, who just started laughing. He pulled the spoon out and sliced another piece.

I swallowed the brownie and glared at him. "Not cool."

"Well you had to try it somehow," he stated before shoving the spoon in his mouth. He sliced another piece and held the spoon towards me. "Don't fight it," he smiled. "I hate you," I mumbled before taking the spoonful in. He pulled the spoon away and chuckled, "Love you too," he replied with a wink.

We did this back and forth until the brownie was finished. The bill came around, and Lucifer gave the girl his credit card. She walked off, and his phone rang. He glanced at it and then looked up at me. "I'll be right back. I have to take this," he said quickly. I nodded my head, and he answered the phone as he got up.

I watched his figure disappear down the idle. "Um, excuse me, miss," a voice called next to me. I turned to see the photographer. "Yes?" I answered in a soft voice. "I am the photographer for TGI Friday. I take pictures of customers and pin them up on the wall in the waiting area," he said, pointing to the area. I looked to see a few pictures of customers that had been taken on the wall.

"Here's the credit card," the girl smiled while passing me the credit card before leaving. I took the credit card and shoved it in my pocket.

"I took some pictures of you and the guy sitting here if you don't mind," he said, pulling his camera down to my viewing. He flipped through a picture of Lucifer feeding me the brownie and one with us talking in between meals. "There's this one in particular which is my favorite," he admitted. I watched as he flipped through the pictures then landed on Lucifer and I again. In this picture, I was finishing up my food, and Lucifer was looking at me with a smile on his face.

"Are you two a couple?" he asked, looking up at me. "No," I mumbled, and he nodded his head. I still would like to use them with your permission, of course, and his." he smiled. You have my permission," I smiled back, and he nodded his head. He looked down at his camera and zoomed in on Lucifer's face.

"The way he looks at you is the way -"

"Please don't go there. I already know," I cut him off. He just laughed and shook his head. "Complicated, I presume," he arched up his eyebrow. "Yup," I said, popping the 'p.'

"What's going on?" Lucifer asked in front of the booth. I turned to see Lucifer standing by his seat with his jacket on. "Hello, sir. I am the restaurant photographer, and I took pictures of you and this young lady. I was wondering if I could use them to hang on the wall," he asked, showing Lucifer the pictures.

I watched as Lucifer looked at them, and his lips twitched. "Sure," he mumbled. "Thank you. Would you like to leave your names or be anonymous?" he asked.

"Anonymous," Lucifer and I simultaneously replied before side-eyeing each other. The guy nodded, "Well, it was a pleasure taking your pictures," he stated before walking off. Lucifer turned towards me, "Ready?" he asked.

"Yeah," I mumbled as I stepped out of the booth. We walked down the idle and out of the restaurant. He opened the door for me and I stepped outside. "Thanks for lunch," I said turning to him. "No problem," he smiled.

"I reached into my pocket and pulled out his credit card. "Your card," I handed him his card. He took it from me and smiled as a thank you. We got into the car and pulled out of the parking lot. "You're going to a party tonight," he stated as we drove down the street.

"Pass," I quickly replied. "Yeah, it wasn't an option, and you can't be home alone," he added. "It's not like I can go anywhere. You literally live in the middle of nowhere," I huffed. "It doesn't matter, you're going," he said, looking at me then back at the road. "Whose party is it?" I looked at him.

"Take a wild guess," he smirked. Yours. "Correct," he chuckled, reading my mind. "I don't even know what to wear or -"

"This is why we're going shopping right now," he said, pulling into a parking lot. I looked around and saw a bunch of clothes stores. We were now pulling into the mall. "I don't want to go," I mumbled as I looked out the window. "It's either you go or ...nope. There's no or," he said, smirking.

I rolled my eyes and stepped out of the car. We headed towards the first clothes store, and Lucifer looked down at me. "You need to wear something short yet nice. No shorts or shirts. It has to be a dress," he informed me.

"How short should the dress be," I asked in curiosity. He looked at me for a second, then looked around the store. "That short," he said, pointing to the mannequin. I looked at the dress in shock, my mouth dropping open. "Might as well be nude!" I gasped. "It's not that bad," he said, looking at me. "Yeah, 'cause you're not going to be the one wearing it," I scoffed and walked towards the dress section.

He followed behind as I went through the racks full of dresses. I pulled out a few but shoved them back on the hanger since they were either too long or just plain ugly. I pulled out a black sparkling dress and examined it. It wasn't too short or too long. It seemed a bit tight, but it looked perfect.

"Try it on," Lucifer mumbled behind me. I silently agreed and walked towards the dressing room. Lucifer waited outside for me, and I tried on the dress. I looked in the mirror and pulled it down. I turned around and sighed in relief when I saw the dress stayed down and didn't slip up. I did a few jumps; then, the model walked in front of the mirror to see if it would stay in place. Sure enough, it did. Don't judge me, I test run my clothes. You ain't catching a nip slip from me tonight.

I took off the dress and slipped into my regular clothes. I walked out of the room and saw Lucifer looking down at his phone. I slowly stepped back and walked around the store. I might as well get what I need. I picked out a pair of black sparkling high heels and walked towards the hair products. I grabbed a curling iron and walked towards the bra idle. I looked for a strapless bra and finally found one. I reached for it, but my hands were full.

"Need some help?" Lucifer's voice said next to me. I turned to see him smiling and stretching his hand towards me. How'd you find me?" I asked, and he took the stuff into his hand. You keep forgetting I can smell you," he chuckled.

"Well, you seemed pretty caught up with something," I shrugged. I grabbed the bra, which came with a pair of underwear. I placed it on top of Lucifer's pile and looked up to see him shaking his head. "Smart comment, and I will smack you so hard you'll start seeing stars," I said, glaring at him.

He opened his mouth but closed it. "That's what I thought," I smirked in victory. "Am I missing anything?" I mumbled to myself. "Ahh, makeup," I said, looking around the store. "No. No makeup. You're perfectly fine the way you are," Lucifer replied.

"Flattering, but I need makeup," I stated as I walked to the makeup section. Lucifer's hand quickly grabbed my wrist, causing me to stop and look at him. "Sky, do not wear makeup, please," his voice came out stern. He was serious. "Fine," I slowly said, confused as to why I couldn't. "Shall we go cash now?" he offered.

"We shall," I replied as we marched towards the cashier.  

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