Chapter 42 (Rewrite)

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On our way home, I tried to keep my mind blank, which wasn't easy. Occasionally, I would slip up and glance at Axel to see if he read my mind, but his attention stayed on the road, to my knowledge. Being around people who can read your mind was exhausting and scary. Unable to zone out or just freely think was a prison itself.

"Can I ask you something?" I turned my attention to Axel. "Of course," he said with a small smile. "What happened to Lucifer?" I asked more hushedly as if it were a forbidden question.

Silence filled the car. I looked at Axel, who was conflicted by my question. "I would love to tell you everything, and trust me, I would, but I just can't. It's not my place to tell you," he tried his best to explain. I frowned a bit, a bit disappointed at his answer. It wasn't fair, but it's not like I could force it out of him. "I understand," I murmured.

"You know, you are very unique," he stated. My eyebrow rose in curiosity. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well, you understand things. If I say I can't tell you, you drop it. Other humans would try to force it out of the other person or just keep bugging them about it, but not you," he hummed at the end. Ha! If only he knew.

"But there are other people who let it go, just like me," I replied.

"True, but it doesn't mean they have your perks, let alone personality, which makes you unique," he smiled at the end. "Well, thank you, I think."

"You're welcome, I think," he mocked with a chuckle. After about 10 minutes of driving, we were finally back home. I got out of the car and entered the house. Walking into the kitchen, I saw Lucifer sitting by the counter with a glass filled with probably hard whiskey in his hand. "Ello mate," I tried to talk in a British accent.

He turned around and looked at me. His eyes were red, his posture was bent, his hair was messy, and his face looked pale. "What happened? You honestly look like you just did meth," I gasped, walking closer to him to take a look. "Nothing. How was your breakfast?" he diverted the conversation. I felt the top of his forehead and quickly yanked my hand away as his skin burned me. Axel quickly grabbed my hand to check how badly I burnt myself, but it was nearly nothing.

"You're burning up," I looked at him concerned. "Don't worry about it," he said, dismissing me. He turned around and continued to drink. I decided not to push his buttons and take a seat since Axel was now getting himself a drink.

"Want one?" he asked, holding up a glass. "I'll pass," I said with a thankful smile. He nodded his head and poured himself a drink. "So... when are you going to talk to James about what happened?" Axel asked. I shrugged, "I don't think I could bring myself to it."

"But he's not going to let you back in the house or let you go on the missions again," he informed me.

"Who said I have to move back in?" I question with a mischievous grin. Axel and Lucifer both turned to look at me, bewildered. "I could just buy a house, and as for money, I could get a secret side job in the organization," I explained.

They both stared at me in silence. It didn't take a genius to know they didn't like the idea. "What?" I asked.

"You're not going to buy a house," Lucifer said sternly.

"And you're certainly not leaving me here with him," Axel pointed his thumb to Lucifer. Lucifer rolled his eyes and went back to drinking. "Why can't I buy a house?" I asked, looking at both of them. "I just told you why," Axel glared at me.

I glared back, "You know what I mean. Give me a real reason!" I huffed, looking between both of them.

"I don't think you need a reason, and besides, wouldn't James find out and try to stop you?" Lucifer bluntly replied without looking at me. "True, but it's worth a try," I suggested. The idea of being on my own excited me. It was about time I had my own place. Imagine how peaceful that would be.

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