Chapter 20 (Rewrite)

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Trigger warning. Read at your own risk. I'm serious.


Skipping work to do a mission is a great excuse. I never thought I would be happy to get orders to meet Henry until a few seconds ago. Lucifer can be an ignorant little shithead. Sometimes, I can't tell if he's just a girl stuck in a guy's body because his emotions switch within a blink, and it's hard to keep up. I still loved him after everything. He wasn't wrong about that, but he was wrong about us getting back together. I promised myself I wouldn't get back together with him after the way he left things. I always thought we would somehow run into each other one day, but I never thought it would happen.

I got out of my car and started walking towards the building. There's so much going on in my head that I'm unsure where to start. I guess I just want things to go back to normal as how I always wished. Just the guys, Mel, and me. But everyone is starting to move out one by one. It just wouldn't be the same. Like they always say, All good things must come to an end.

I pushed open the door and walked into the warehouse. I looked around to see the room empty. I swear Henry always decides to run late on purpose. I walked to the center of the room and looked around. Something didn't feel right. I decided to head back to the car and wait there.

I turned around, walked towards the door, and pushed it, only to find out it wasn't budging. I pushed harder, but it wouldn't open. I focused my power on the door to break it down, but nothing happened. My powers are not working. I felt myself being roughly pinned down. Once the pair of hands gripped me, they turned me around, and I met two muscular guys. I tried to flip one and elbow the other, but they held me tighter.

"Relax," a deep voice said behind me. The two buff guys held me up and turned me around. The voice belonged to a guy with brown-blonde hair. His posture was perfect. He stood towering over me even if he was across the room. He snapped his finger, and two guys came out of a door with two chairs. They sat the chairs opposite of each other and left.

"Sit," he demanded in a harsh tone. I could not resist since the two guys carried me to the chair and plopped me down. I then heard a bunch of chains and clicks. I looked down to see they had handcuffed me to the chair. "What is this? Where is Henry?" I yelled at the guy who took a seat in front of me.

"He's fine. I just hacked his phone to get you here. I have no interest in him whatsoever but you... there's many," he said, leaning back in his chair with a smirk. "Me? Interest?" I asked, laughing out loud. He seemed pretty amused by the look on his face but changed it back into a smirk. "Yes," he replied.

"Funny. I think you have the wrong person. Now release me," I ordered, but he just sat there and ignored me. "I know everything about you, Skylar Marran." His words came out sinister, causing me to pay attention. "What do you want? Money? Passport? What?" I asked.

"Do you remember that big quest you did about four years ago?" he asked, leaning forward in his chair. Why does everything come back to four years ago? "There's a lot of 'big missions,'" I said, quoting his words through the handcuffs.

"Valentin. Do you remember Valentin?" his voice became cold when he said the name.

How could I not forget that name? He put the guys and I in so much danger along with the President's son. I almost died from that idiot not to mention the killing of my parents. "...Yes," I answered softly.

"Well, he was my father," he said, looking away. Daddy issues much? Wait, Valentin had a son? He looked me straight in the eyes, "I'm glad he's dead. He was a horrible father. He did so much damage and hurt so many people for no reason. I'd rather be in a foster home than have to be his child," he spoke in a deep cold voice. I could see the pain in his at the mention of his father.

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