Chapter 41 (Rewrite)

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I stood by the glass door, watching as the guy in a white suit sat by one of the patio tables where I had sat. Sitting beside him was a brunette holding his arm as she flirted with him. "You know you don't mean that," her fingers trailed down his arm.

He pulled his arm away without looking at her as he spread out on the chair. "If you don't want your patio to be stained in red, I suggest you get her the fuck out of here," Lucifer's voice came out demonic, causing her to freeze. He knew I was here, and I spent no time trying to usher her out of my backyard. Just my Lucifer's voice, I knew he was serious. 

"You're not supposed to be in my backyard. Go join everyone inside before I kick you out," I ordered before shutting the glass door. I looked over to Lucifer, who had his back turned and was now unbothered as he drank his drink. I looked at the door, contemplating whether to go inside or stay with him. I let out a sigh of defeat as I approached him and grabbed a chair before putting it in front of his point of view before sitting down.

I sipped some of my drink, placed it on the table, and stared at him. His eyes studied me before he leaned back in his seat, settling back. "What's wrong?" my eyes pierced into his. "Nothing," he replied quickly in a monotone. "Sure," I replied unconvinced. My phone rang, and I picked it up without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello," I answered, still staring at Lucifer.

"Hey. We're about to sing Happy Birthday to Mel and cut the cake," Justin shouted over the music. "Coming," I replied and hung up. "We're going to cut cake. Are you coming?" I asked as I stood up.

"Yeah, I'll catch up in a few." I knew he was lying. Deciding not to push him, I headed back inside.

I returned to the living room to see the cake towering over Mel on the table. The candles were lit, and Mel dragged me to the front, where most of my brothers were. We sang her happy birthday, and I fed Mel a spoonful of cake and smudged some on her cheeks. After that was over, people just took a slice of cake and went back to dancing and drinking.

I felt a nudge on my shoulder and looked to see Alex, my brother, who was now higher than a kite, offering me his joint. I took the joint from him and took a few hits with him, along with some shots. The song Whatever You Like by T.I. came on, causing Alex to drag me to dance. 

"So, how's my insufferable little sister doing?" Alex shouted over this music as we danced. I shrugged, "I love my life. It's going great," I lied. "You?"

"Your brothers are getting on my fucking nerves. I keep trying to convince James to let you come back home, but you know how that's going," he spoke, clearly irritated by the situation. 

I rolled my eyes, "You refer to them as if they aren't your brothers, and James can go suck a dick."

"Amen to that, sis," Alex cheered, holding the bottle of Tequila in his hand before taking a swing. He then passed it to me, where I also took a swing before passing it back to him. After a few more minutes, we split off to do our own thing. I grabbed a slice of cake with a spoon before heading to the backyard. As I walked through my house, I felt the joint slowly kicking in, and my body started to feel warm and tingly.

I opened the back door and saw Lucifer in the same spot I had left him, except he was now scrolling through his phone. I approached him and placed the cake on the table, catching his attention.

"Got you a slice," I smiled as I sat in the chair in front of him.

"Thanks, but I don't want any," he declined, pushing it away. 

"What's wrong? It's obvious something has been bothering you for the past couple of days. You're good at hiding things, but your feelings aren't one of them, so spill it," I probed, getting a bit more agitated. It was clear something had him really on edge; this time, it was different. It looked like it was just eating him up. He'd been like this since he had to attend that meeting two days ago.

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