Chapter 14 (Rewrite)

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I pulled up to the driveway and then parked inside the garage. I got off my motorcycle and entered the house. I threw my things on the kitchen counter and headed upstairs. I changed into some sweats and a shirt before returning to the kitchen.

I grabbed a casing of Corona from the fridge and carried it into the living room. I walked towards the Stereo, and Alcohol by Timeflies Tuesday blasted through the house. You got to love Mel's playlist. Homegirl was a vibe. The song started to fill the house, and I popped open a beer and started to drink it.

I got the PS5 controller out from the TV stand and started some COD. This is what my day had come to. Drinking beer and playing video games with music blasting after a long day is somewhat the life. It was just an escape from reality. I did not want to think about my day. If I did, then there are two possible outcomes. The first one is that I might do some stupid thing that sinks me into more trouble, and the second one is that I may cry my eyes out and be mad all at once—uncontrollably sobbing for hours on end.

I grabbed another beer, only to find it was an empty bottle. I stared at the case of beer and then at the time to see I'd been emotionally drinking for the past hour. I turned the music up loud as it was on shuffle and headed back into the kitchen. I poured some Henny into a cup and drank it straight. After a few more drinks, I ate some chips and repeated the cycle of drinking another case of beer. Eventually, it hit almost ten at night, and I was out of beer, and my two bottles of Henny, along with some Rum and Vodka, were done. There was no more alcohol in the house. It sucks how much alcohol it takes for me to get drunk. Stupid powers are constantly fucking something up.

I walked upstairs into my closet and slipped into black shorts, a black shirt, and a black hoodie. I put on my black sneakers, grabbed my Bluetooth headphones from my dresser, and headed downstairs. I skipped down the hall and connected my headphones to my phone before blasting music in my ear. I headed into the garage dancing, feeling a little buzzed. I put on my tinted helmet and gloves and hopped on my motorcycle. The garage gate slid up, and I slowly drove out and stopped in my driveway. It was still raining. I reeved my engine, debating whether I was going to do something risky or not. 

"Fuck it," I mumbled to myself as I took off with speed. I clicked the button under the clutch, which caused my plates to be hidden. I sped down the street and towards the city. The music felt louder, and the rain got more robust. I loved every second of it. I raced through the streets, skipping through red lights. I glimpsed in my mirror as a flash indicated the traffic camera trying to take a picture of me and my plates. Too slow. I stepped harder on the gas, which caused the motorcycle to go fast. I dodged more cars and ran more red lights. I checked my mirror occasionally, watching people slam on their brakes before jumping out of the car, probably to yell at me.

After a few more minutes, I saw lights flashing behind me. I smirked at how thrilling this was. My music was then cut off as I heard my ringtone going off. I used my powers to decline the call, causing my music to start again. I glimpsed behind me to see more cop cars chasing me. My music cut again, causing me to groan in annoyance. 

"Heller," I answered before turning a corner, my hand grazing the floor as I turned. 

"Sky, I love you, but what the fuck are you doing? Do you know you're on TV right now?" James' voice came out angry. Woah, there, buddy. Eat a snicker bar. Wait, I'm on TV? 

I let out a giggle. "Really?" I looked around and then up at the rainy sky to see a news helicopter with a spotlight barely keeping up with me. I gestured a kiss to the helicopter camera before speeding off. 

"Are you drunk?" he shrieked. He was probably watching me on TV. I heard the guys in the background talking, but I drowned them out. "Relax and stop getting your panties in a twist. We all know how to drive drunk, and besides, if I get arrested, the organization will bail me out, and it will be erased from the - RED LIGHT!" I shouted in laughter as I ran over it. 

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