Chapter 23 (Rewrite)

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"You talked," Axel smiled as we entered the driveway. The car stopped before the door, and we both got out. I stepped inside and heard laughter coming from another room. I trailed behind Axel as he led us towards the voices.

"Luc," he called out as he entered the room. "Yeah?" he answered back. I looked down to the floor and walked into the room, standing close to Axel. The laughter died down, and I felt as if I was being stared at. I looked up to see about four guys, and then there was Lucifer and Axel. Lucifer was on the couch with his phone in his hand. His eyes flickered with anger before washing away with a soft look.

He got up and walked towards me. I turned away and looked at Axel, who gave me a small smile before sitting down on the couch. "Walk," I heard a deep tone to the side of me. I turned to see Lucifer towering over me. Deciding not to argue, I let out a huff before walking out of the room.

I was then guided into another room, and I looked around to see we were in the dining room. "Why did you run?" his voice came out tired.

"I want to be alone," I admitted. "He said you would say that," he mumbled to himself. I guess he meant to say that to himself since he looked down at me quickly with a look of regret. "Who said I would say that?" I questioned, annoyed and agitated. He rubbed the back of his head and let out a sigh. "James. He also wanted me to take care of you for a little while," he informed me.

I looked at him in disbelief. You've got to be kidding me. "Can I make a call?" I asked, and he shook his head. "No, sorry," he apologized, and I let out a large groan out of annoyance and frustration. I turned around and started to walk out of the room. "Your breakfast is in the kitchen," he called out, walking behind me.

"I'm not hungry," I whispered, trying to think of another way to leave this house undetected. It's not a choice," his voice came out rough, causing me to turn and glare at him. I opened my mouth to say something, but I closed it, realizing he wouldn't give up. I turned around and stormed down the hall. "Would you stop acting like that?" he growled while grabbing my hand.

I flinched, causing him to quickly release me. His eyes widened, "Sorry. I'm sorry," he quickly apologized, holding his hands up in the air.

"Stop acting like what?" I fired back, ignoring the apology. I looked up at him to see his soft green-grey eyes. "Stop being so mad. I understand why you may be mad, but you're safe now, and I wouldn't let anything happen to you ever again. So please, stop being mad. I'm just trying to take care of you," he begged with a pleading look.

"NO! Don't try to pull that bullshit me. One minute, you're all cold and rude, then the next minute, you're all caring and sweet. I want to be left alone. Honestly speaking, it would've been better for both of us if you just let me fall that day," my voice came out venomous. I heard a creak and turned to see we were standing in front of the living room. The guys were all looking at us. They were all looking at us in confusion except Axel. Axel started at me with pity, and I hated it.

"Mind your damn business, would you?" I yelled at everyone. They all blinked as if they were stupid. They are Lucifer's friends or something, so they have to be stupid. "Technically, this is a public area, not a private area, and secondly, you were talking loud," a guy with long blonde hair spoke. Alex elbowed him, and he released a low grunt noise.

I looked at the glass full of alcohol in his hand and glimpsed at it, causing it to shatter along with his clothes getting wet. "Ops," I glared at him. "You b-"

"Finish that sentence, and I promise you you'll regret it," a deep voice growled next to me. I turned to see Lucifer giving him a threatening look. "You can drop that," I scoffed, already sick of him. He turned his head to look at me. "What?" he asked in confusion.

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