Chapter 27 (Rewrite)

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"Sky, please go easy on her," Lucifer said, walking up to me. Okay," I lied as I drank some scotch from Axel's refilled cup. He glared at me. "I'm serious," he said sternly. I know," I plainly replied. He glared at me one last time and walked away. Before I could get a word out, Gabriela came back into the room wearing a sports bra and some tight Nike leggings.

"Ready to kick some butt," she chirped. Lucifer let out a sigh and rubbed the back of his head. "We're doing this in the driveway," she demanded, and I shook my head. "Lawn," I fired back.

"Afraid of a little scrap," she grinned. "Fuck it," I huffed. I didn't want to do it in the driveway since you could actually bruise yourself, and I was also not dressed to fight on concrete. I didn't even have on sneakers. I had on socks. I watched as she walked out of the kitchen and Lucifer trailed behind her.

"Are you okay?" Axel's voice came next to me. "Yeah," I mumbled as I walked out of the room to the door. Axel trailed behind me, and we were all in the driveway.

Lucifer and Axel stood aside by the door, and Gabriela made her way to the center of the driveway and started to stretch. I was about to walk to the middle of the driveway but a hand grabbed my wrist. I turned back to see Lucifer. "Go easy on her," he demanded. I snatched my hand out of his grasp and walked away.

"Go easy on her," I mimicked his voice. I stood 6 feet away from Gabriela and watched her stand straight. She got into some fighting position, and I took it as she was ready. I just stood there as she started walking up to me in defense mode. Man, she looks so stupid right now.

She then threw a punch, and I leaned to the side, dodging it. She fired again, and I took the chance to give her an uppercut. She stumbled back and growled at me. She then charged at me, and I went to move, but I couldn't. I was frozen in place. I turned to look at Lucifer and saw he had me frozen in place.

Before I knew it, I was tackled to the ground in pain. I sucked in a gush of air as pain erupted through my body. I turned my head to look at Axel, whose eyes blackened as he realized what Lucifer was doing. He growled something to Lucifer but he had ignored him. My head was then slammed into the driveway as Gabriela punched me over and over. Within a swift move, Axel twisted Lucifer's neck causing him to drop to the floor.

I kicked Gabriela off me, who was too busy to notice what happened to Lucifer. I got up and spit out the blood from my mouth to see Gabriela laughing as she got up from the floor. I glimpsed over to Axel to see he had Lucifer in a hold. Lucifer enflamed his body, but Axel kept a grasp on him, not being bothered by the fire.

I focused my attention on Gabriela as she ran up to me. I quickly dodged her hit, causing her to stumble. I grabbed her by the hair and yanked her back causing her to slam to the floor. I then jumped on top of her before delivering punches to her face. She quickly brought her hands up to protect her face, so I directed my punches to her ribs. She let out a scream of pain causing her to drop her defense. I used the advantage to deliver a swift punch to the face causing her to blackout.

I stood up and looked down at her bloody face. That was gonna hurt in the morning. I made my way over to Axel, who released Lucifer from his holding.

"I knew you weren't going to go easy on her," he growled as he pushed Axel off him.

"You're right; I'm sorry," I lied, looking at Lucifer. Axel eyed me before tilting his head, trying to read me.

His eyebrow rose at my unexpected response. "Really?"

I nodded my head. "Thank you for doing that," I said, giving a small smile, referring to when he used his powers to freeze me. "Uhh, you're welcome," he said unsurely as he rubbed the back of his head.

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