Chapter 38 (Rewrite)

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I yawned and slowly opened my eyes to see an empty spot next to me on the bed. I looked over to the cable box and saw it was now 1 p.m. I pushed the covers off me and walked to the door to my room, but I stopped when I heard a bunch of footsteps going up and down the hall.

I let out a sigh and rubbed my eyes, still tired. I walked into Lucifer's bathroom and emptied my bladder. I then looked around for a toothbrush and found the one I had used the first day I was here.

I rinsed it out and brushed my teeth clean. I then rinsed my mouth and face. I looked at the mirror and stared at my reflection. I had some redness in my eyes and a dark tone under my eyes. I sighed and dried my face in the towel behind me. I walked over to the bed and lay on my stomach while burying my face in the pillow. Lucifer's scent engulfed me, and I couldn't help but smile.

"The view is beautiful here," a voice came into the room. I raised my head to see Lucifer leaning against the door, smirking. I followed his gaze, and it landed on my butt. "Jerk," I mumbled as I quickly threw the sheets over me. "How did you sleep?" his voice came closer.

"Good," I yawned, crashing my face into the pillow. "Still tired?" he asked, and I hummed in response. I felt the bed sink in next to me. "I heard footsteps in the hall," I explained. His arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me into his chest. "I had a meeting with some of my guys," he replied, and I hummed in response.

"When did you get up?" I curiously asked, opening my eyes only to meet his just inches away. "About 11," he smiled. I smiled and closed my eyes. After a minute of silence, I spoke up. "You know I could feel you staring into my soul," I teased as I opened my eyes to meet him.

"Get used to it," he said unbothered. I rolled my eyes and shoved him back a little. He let out a little chuckle and rolled off the bed. I watched as he stood up and fixed his shirt over his sweats. Come on, get up. I don't feel like staying in the house today or going to work," he said lively, leaning down towards me.

"I don't want to get up," I pouted. "Well, I'm not leaving until you get up," he dismissed my protest. "Just take Axel or one of your guys," I said, waving him off. "Sweetheart, you're in my bed and my shirt, so you have no option," he said in a playful tone.

"Really?" I questioned with an eyebrow up. I watched as his lips twitched into a smirk, "Really" he challenged.

I hummed in response and got off the bed from my side. I looked around the room and saw my dress, along with my bra, on the chair. I turned my back towards Lucifer and took off my shirt. I slipped into my bra and reached for the dress but within a blink it disappeared from the chair.

I turned around to see Lucifer holding the dress. "What are you doing?" his eyebrow rose in curiosity. 

"Well, I was in your bed, and I was in your shirt, so I just got off the shirt and got out of your bed since I don't want to go," I emphasized the word your. He let out a little laugh and shook his head, "You're still going," he dismissed me again.

"Fine," I lied. I walked up to him and took the dress out of his hand. "Turn around," I glared at him so I could put it on. 

"If you try anything, just remember I'm faster than you," he warned while turning around. "I know that's why I'm going to try," I giggled as I ran out of the room. I ran down the stairs and grinned at my escape.

I looked around the room to see about ten people, including Axel, staring at me, mostly because I was still in my bra and underwear. "Sexy," Axel winked, causing my cheeks to turn red. I should've thought this through. I quickly slipped into the dress and heard footsteps behind me. "Marran! Tell me you didn't just let them all see you naked!" Lucifer shouted at the top of the stairs causing shivers to run down my spine. 

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