Chapter 59

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"So you guys are willing to wake up to get on the plane early tomorrow morning all while having a hangover" I questioned looking at every one of them.

The pass 2 days, we have just been getting ready for this mission and packing. The guys still don't know about Lucifer and I which is pretty good so far. I want to tell them about us but I feel like it is not the right time. Right now, the guys all want to go out and party. Normally I don't care but tomorrow we're going to have to board that plane and be on time. Despite having our own air plane and deciding when we want to leave, this mission revolves around time. We can not be late.

"Yes" Mason replied. I looked at James so was looking at his phone.

"You're in on this to huh" I questioned him. He stood quiet as if he did not hear me. "Fine, miss the plane tomorrow" I stated and they all started cheering not long before running out the door.

"You want to come" Justin asked as he walked up to me. I shook my head, "I still have a few things to take care off" I smiled and he nodded. Within seconds, all the guys were gone to the party just leaving me. Lucifer had to go back to his place to take care of a few problems and I think he was going to meet the guys at the party. He still haven't told me whether or not he would be coming on this mission with us.

I honestly didn't feel like going. I was still feeling a little ill and I just wanted to get a head start on the work. I walked upstairs and into my room. I closed the door and dropped on my bed while looking at the files. This was going to be one hell of a mission. The event we are going to is somewhat like a banquet thing. Still haven't gotten all the details yet.

I spent the next few hours studying files after files. My phone rang and I grabbed it from my the dresser and answered, "Hello."

"Hello Ms. Marran. This is Kennedy your-"

"Pilot. How are you sir" I stood up from the bed.

"Fine Ms. Marran. I'm calling to let you know that we can't take off tomorrow in the morning. There will be a storm" he notified me. I let out a sigh and tried to think of what to do.

We can't leave after tomorrow, that would be too late. "Can we leave tonight" I asked looking at the time to see it was almost 10.

I heard some talking in the background before he responded, "Yes. We will beat the storm if we leave now. The plane is all ready so I suggest try to make in here in an hour or two" he stated.

"We will be there. Thank you" I quickly spoke before hanging up. I called James on the speaker and quickly got dress.

"Hello" he shouted over the loud music.

"Hey. We have to leave now. We can't leave in the morning because a storm is coming" I quickly spoke as I put on my shoes.

"Well we have a slight problem" he mumbled. "IF YOU DON'T FUCKING MOVE I'M GOING TO KICK YOUR ASS" he shouted to someone.


"Blake, Hunter and Carter invited the party over to our house" he shouted into the phone. My eyes widened, "Who's the leader of this stunt" I asked while shoving the pistol under my shirt in the back.

"Blake. GET OUT" he shouted so someone again. I hung up the phone. I grabbed a bag and tossed the files in along with the laptop and opened the door to see Lucifer.

A smile rose to his face, "Hey, I was just about to drop in" he kissed my lips.

"We have to leave tonight instead of the morning because there's a storm coming" I walked pass him and the music got louder.

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