Chapter 32 (Rewrite)

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"I'm surprised you didn't scream," Axel said as we were all now watching regular TV. So am I," I mumbled as my eyes slowly started to close. He asked something else, but my mind was too tired to focus. "Sky," he called. I hummed in response.

"You want me to carry you to your bed?" he asked. I opened my eyes and sat up, "No, I'll be back," I mumbled as I walked out of the room. I heard Lucifer say something, and Axel agreed.

I walked upstairs and into my room. I closed the door and headed over to my backpack. I dug inside and fetched the bottle of pills out. I popped it open and took 4 caffeine pills. Sleeping still scared it. I felt like I would slip back into the memories and hands of my kidnapper. I heard a buzzing and looked to see my phone lighting up on the dresser. Using my powers, I held my hand out, causing my phone to fly into my palm. I unlocked my phone to see a message from Jayson.

Jayson: Hey sorry to bother you Peaches but I need u to fill out some mission reports and make some blueprints for them. Sorry about that. Love u

Me: It's okay and I'm on it. Love u too

I grabbed my laptop from the backpack, headed back downstairs, and saw the lights on in the kitchen. I walked in and saw Axel making some drinks. Lucifer was typing away on his phone while drinking.

"Want one?" Axel asked. I turned to see him holding up a bottle of strawberry vodka. "Sure," I mumbled while walking towards the counter. I took a seat and opened my laptop in front of me. I started some of the reports and blueprints. "Here you go," Axel said, pushing the glass of ice-cold vodka with sprite toward me.

"Thanks," I smiled and drank some of it while I worked. We all sat silently in the kitchen while the soft music filled the room.

After about an hour or so, I started to feel a little buzzed. I brushed it off and continued to work on the reports. I stopped when my eye barely made out the keypad anymore. "Question, what is in this drink?" I asked, pointing to my now empty glass. Axel glanced up from his phone and looked at me. "Just vodka and three shots," he said, giving me a curious look. I slowly blinked and rubbed the side of my head.

"What were the shots?" I slowly looked up at him. "Just white rum," he shrugged.

"Idiot," Lucifer scowled. I turned to see him glaring at Axel. Rum gets her drunk. It's practically the only thing that gets her drunk," he explained.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know," Axel apologized. It's okay; you didn't know," I mumbled as I closed my eyes and opened them again. It's kind of weird, though. I never got this buzzed before with only three shots of rum," I said, holding onto the counter. "You should just sleep it off. It's probably because your body is still in healing mode," Lucifer yelled, his voice echoing through my head.

"Shhh, stop yelling," I shushed him as I held my head. "Uhh...he didn't yell," Axel said. I slowly looked up at him and then at Lucifer. "What?" I asked in confusion. Axel and Lucifer looked at each other and then back at me. "I didn't yell," Lucifer said.

What's happening to me? "Sorry," I mumbled and placed my head on the counter. "Someone needs some sleep," Axel said, grabbing my hand. I took my hand out of his holding and shook my head, "I'll be fine. I need some water," I said, stretching my foot for the floor. I realized the stool was high up and I looked down to see the floor was far from my foot. How did I manage to get up here?

I heard a chuckle, and I looked up to see Axel laughing. "I'll get you some water," he offered, and I thanked him. I turned around in my seat to see Lucifer staring at me. I stared back for a few seconds but was pulled out by a phone ringing. I realized it was my phone, so I picked it up.

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