Chapter 53

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Skylar P.O.V

I stared out the window and watched as people go in and out of the building. After following Gabe, I parked across the street in the Range Rover. The tracking device I shoved in his coat led us to a Psychiatrist Center. How could he not tell me? He tells me everything even when I don't tell him my problems sometimes.

I reached under the seat and pulled out a laptop. I flipped it open and started a medical record search on Gabe. Within a minute his health records popped up.

I opened his recent medical files but they were blocked. I let out a sigh knowing the only way to know what he was hiding was if I actually went into the building and dug out his file. What could he be hiding though?

The door opened and I turned to see Lucifer getting in with two cups of coffee in his hand. I then felt a blast of anger rushed over me. "Here you go" he mumbled passing me a cup of coffee.

I looked at his hand that was offering me the coffee then looked back out at the building. "Suit yourself" he mumbled.

I continued to do my research and saw that all his recent medical files were being locked. My eyebrow rose in confusion. How can all these files be locked? I refreshed the page and the same thing was happening.

My phone started beeping and I picked it up to see Gabe was getting closer. I turned to look out my window to see him exiting the building. I watched as he looked around then walked down the block not long before getting into the car then driving off.

I looked through the laptop searching for any piece of information I could get. The name of a doctor flashed across the screen. His name was Dr. Walter. This was the only name on the file. The rest was blank. I let out a sigh and closed the laptop. I got out the car but a hand pulled me back in and shut the door.

I tensed up and turned to see Lucifer staring down at me. "Where are you going" he simply asked.

"To the trunk then into the building" I replied as I snatched my hand back. I grinned my teeth and made my way to the trunk. I popped it open and opened the duffle bag. I dug through the side pocket and pulled out a watch and placed it on my wrist.

"Don't you have your phone for the time" Lucifer's voice came next to me.

"It's to keep the security camera on a loop so it will look like I was never there" I mumbled as I dug deeper into the bag. I took out a pen and shoved it in my jacket. I closed the trunk and crossed the street. I pushed open the door and walked inside only to meet an empty lobby expecting the security guard of course.

"Hello. How can I help you" the guy in his mid 30's smiled at me. I heard a scoff and turned to see Lucifer. "You're suppose to wait by the car" I whispered loudly to him. He glared at me, "You honestly think I would wait in that car even after that lecture I gave you" he replied.

"I'm working on forgetting the lecture. It was stupid and you're going to be seen on the camera's" I shrieked in a low tone.

"I was serious when I made that speech and trust me, they wouldn't see me on the cameras" he grinned. I rolled my eyes and walked up to the security guard who was just eyeing us in curiosity.

"Yes. This is an emergency. We need to see Dr. Walter now" I stated.

His eyebrow rose, "Do you have an appointment paper" he asked.

I shook my head and bit my lips, "No. We just heard from a friend he was the best doctor that can help us. You see my sister's boyfriend has anger issues and it would mean the world to her if he got help. So he bought me with him to get help since he wants to surprise her" I spoke in a sad voice and nodded towards Lucifer referring he was my sister's boyfriend.

The security guard looked at me then at him, "I'm sorry but-"

"Please, just look at him. It would mean the world to me if I saw my sister happy again" I spoke in a soft tone.

He let out a sigh and looked through the paper in front him. "He's on the third floor. Room 32" he smiled at me.

"Thank you" I smiled back before making my way towards the elevator and pushing the 3rd floor button. Lucifer got in and the elevator closed. That's when my smiled dropped. I felt Lucifer staring at me since I felt I was on fire.

I turned and looked at him, "What" I asked.

His lips remained flat but I would tell he was extremely mad. "Et non fuit in animo suo eursu (He was undressing you in his mind)" he hissed out in a foreign language I didn't understand. (P.S sorry if I translated it wrong)

"Is that Latin" I questioned. He ignored me and the door dinged open. I got out and walked down the hall with Lucifer behind me. I reached room 32 and stopped in opened it to find a guy in a suit sitting at his desk. He looked up and I stepped in the room.

Lucifer stepped in as well and closed this door. "I'm sorry but you can't be in here unless you have an appointment" the young guy stood up.

"Chill out. I need to talk to you about one of your patient. His name is Gabe Russo" I stated as I walked up to him.

He shook his head, "I'm sorry but I can't tell you-"

"He's my brother" I replied.

"Skylar Marran" he asked in a questionable voice.

"That's me. Nice to meet you Doctor. Walter" I stuck out my hand. He gave a smile and shook it, "Please call me Walter" he replied.

I heard a scoff behind me and I rolled my eyes. "Don't worry about him. He's just a tagalong" I told Walter who was already looking at him. He slowly nodded then turned to me.

"I'm sorry but I really can't tell anything unless Gabe approves" he stated.

"Sure. But where are his files located" I asked with a warm smile. He gave me a curious look then pointed to the bookshelf drawers. I pulled the pen out my pocket and dismantle it. I pulled the cap off and spread the dust in my hand.

"What are you-"

Before he could finish I blew the dust in his face causing him to inhale it. I watched as he coughed a bit then slowly slide back into his car. Within seconds his face landed on the desk and he was knocked out.

"Before you say something , no I didn't kill him. I just knocked him out temporary. He wouldn't remember the last 5 minutes and we have 10 minutes to get out of here" I stated as I walked to the book self. I pulled the drawer open but it was locked. I used my telekinesis to unlock it from the inside. The drawers all opened and I scanned through the M sections.

After a minute or two, I finally found Gabe's profile. I pulled it out and closed back all the drawers. I looked through the folder and found only 4 papers in it. I looked around for a printed and printed a copy of each page. I quickly placed back the folder in the filing drawer and turned to exit the room.

I opened the door and shoved the papers in my jacket. Lucifer quietly followed behind and we took the elevator down. The door then dinged open and my eyes widened as I saw Gabe at the security desk. His head was about to turn but a hand grabbed me and within a blink we were in the car.

I turned to Lucifer who just acted like nothing just happened. "Thanks" I mumbled. He hummed in response and I pulled the papers out my jacket to look at them.

I felt something in me shattered as I read the first line.

Gabe Russo diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder.

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