Chapter 24 (Rewrite)

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I watched as I saw myself sitting on Axel's lap, kissing him. I looked so relaxed and not a care in the world. He seemed to feel that way since his hand was under my shirt. Axel then pulled away and saw pain flickered through his eyes. He was upset I wouldn't remember him or this interaction. 

Walking around the room, I watched as he explained why I wouldn't remember anything that happened after tonight, and it was all because of some special shots. I also learned that Lucifer had saved me from the cops. It also makes sense as to how I saw my bike back in the garage. 

After a few minutes, Lucifer came walking in with food. I watched as he fed me while Axel held me in his arms. I stopped pacing around the room as I watched myself look at Axel, and Lucifer's eyes flickered over to me. He was staring at me, causing shivers to run down my spine. 

How are you seeing me?

His eyes then met other me, who was on Axel's lap. 

"Usually, you're mad. Why aren't you?" I found myself forced to speak. 

"Because when it comes to certain things between us, I'm okay with it, slightly," Lucifer informed me. Lucifer was reading my mind while I was forced to say what I was thinking at the time.

"Is it only with him, and why slightly?" I was forced to speak again. This was honestly tripping me the fuck out. 

Lucifer shifted in his seat a little, clearly not comfortable answering the question. "Long story. Maybe another time. Eat, then we'll take you home," he smiled, to which I reluctantly agreed. 

The room around me changed to where we were now in my bedroom back in the city. Axel on my left spooning me, and Lucifer on my right with his arm on top of my waist. I watched as I fell asleep on his hand. 

Lucifer moved his hand from my waist and stroked my cheek while Axel rubbed his thumb in circular motions on my stomach. After some time, Axel flashed out, leaving Lucifer behind. He gently got out of the bed and stared at my sleeping body.

He shoved his hands in his sweats before sighing. "I hope when you see this, you're doing well. I really do care and love you. I know I don't show it in the best way, but I really do," he softly spoke before looking directly towards me. 

Shivers slid down my spine again as I was both shocked and scared. "How are you doing this?" my voice softly choked out.

"It's hard to explain," he mumbled. I tilted my head to the side. Is it only you? Axel seemed like he didn't notice me," I questioned. 

Lucifer nodded his head before walking up to me. He stopped in front of me, took his head out of his pocket, and held the side of my face. His touch felt soft, like a feather. He stared at me for a couple of seconds before frowning. "I can't see what you currently look like. I can only see your aura, but I can feel the pain you're in," he softly mumbled, causing me to lower my head.

He gently lifted my head back up causing me to look at his eyes. "My sweet baby. The world hasn't been nice to you since birth. It doesn't mean it will constantly be like this, and it is not the end. Whatever you go through, you'll come out stronger on the other side. I promise you. I know it's hard right now, but don't give up. You're the strongest person I know," he smiled down at me before planting a kiss on my forehead.

I closed my eyes and felt my heart hurt from his words. A part of me needed to hear that, and I was thankful for it. When I opened my eyes, he was gone. I watched as the room started to melt, revealing a white thing behind it.

No. No. NO!

I was now looking at my kidnapper and he was staring back at me. I looked down to see I was chained to the floor. "Welcome back. How was the last dose?" he smirked.

Return Of The Devil - BOOK 2 ✔ (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now