Chapter 21 (Rewrite)

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Trigger warning. Read at your own risk. You've been warned.


(Gabe's P.O.V)

"It's been four fucking days. She doesn't just disappear like that!" I shouted out loud. Sky had left the house on Sunday night to return to the house in the city. On Monday, I assumed she had gone to work since we had seen the location, but then, around 2 in the afternoon, our systems started going off, indicating that Skylar was offline. We tracked her last location and went to it.

Her phone was all smashed in a warehouse, and the guys were out searching everywhere for her. "Did you find anything?" James shouted to Cody, who was on the computer trying to track the last text. We soon learned she received a message from Henry's number, but it wasn't actually Henry. Someone hacked into his phone and framed him. The whole entire organization was now looking for my sister.

"Don't you think I would fucking say something if I found anything?" Cody growled as he frantically typed into the computer some more. Sky is missing, we're falling apart and can't find her. I grabbed my phone and key and marched out the door. "Where are you going?" Ethan asked behind me.

"To pay a visit to someone," I mumbled and got in the car. I drove out into the city at full speed in an hour and a half. Sky may have her problems and may be running from them but one thing we do not do in this family is destroy our phone on purpose to trigger the alarm. My stomach was turning inside out just the thought of my sister being unable to get help. Hopefully, she's still able to use her powers. I pulled up to the building and got out of the car. I marched into the building, and the front desk lady smiled at me.

"What floor is Lucifer on?" I asked. Confusion was written on her face. Right, he went by Davis. "Davis, what floor is Davis on?" I restated.

"26th floor, but I need to call him for—" I didn't pay attention and walked towards the elevator. She shouted after me, but I ignored her and pressed the button. The door closed, then opened after a few seconds. I walked straight down to the tinted wall and pushed open the doors.

Two young guys were in here and the guy who's about to be dead. "Get out," I growled, looking at the two guys.

"You've got some nerve coming around here demanding things," Lucifer said, standing up and ready to fight me. "Get out," I said more sternly to the two guys, as I was also ready to fight Lucifer. They slowly dropped their folders and walked out.

"When was the last time you talked to Sky?" I hissed in no mode for his games. He looked at me confused but answered, "On Monday, after lunch. We argued and never talked after that."

I rubbed my head in frustration. I was hoping Lucifer had her somehow because then we would know where she was. "She's in danger," I mumbled and looked up at him. His eyebrow arched up. "What type of danger??" he asked.

"She's been missing since Monday. We found her phone smashed in a warehouse. She received a text from Henry but it wasn't him. She fell for the trap, now she's missing," I tried to explain. Lucifer's eyes blackened, "Why didn't you tell me sooner?" his voice boomed through the room.

"Are you fucking serious? You broke my sister's heart. You can't expect us to tell you everything willingly. Look, putting this bullshit aside for a second, can you find her?" I asked. He let out a sigh, and his eyes went back to normal. "Yes," he said, staring off into the distance. His eyes widened. "I—I can't," he choked out as if he just said the impossible. I watched as he turned to me, baffled. I've never seen Lucifer like this which scared me a little. 

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