Chapter 30 (Rewrite)

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"Ready?" Axel asked as he pulled his T-shirt over his head. I nodded as I hopped off his bed and showed him the address. Within a blink, we were standing in front of the warehouse. Looking around the lot, I saw all my brother's cars there. Walking up to the entrance, I scanned my hand on the front pad, causing the door to unlock.

"Fancy," Axel mumbled behind me. We walked into the building and towards the main room, where all my brothers surrounded someone in the center. The room was big enough to have a basketball court. The walls were black marble, and the black floors were lined with a firm pad. Bleachers were on the far side of the room where some of the guys' stuff was lying on top.   Slowly walking around the outside of the group, I saw James and Gabe, who were the ones in the center teaching the rest of them.

"When in combat, always remain focused and always be aware of your surroundings. Today, you'll do some training in combat for 30 minutes, and then you'll all be fighting me. Whoever wins against me will take my place as follows, and then the next person will fight the said winner. Each fight will last 5 minutes. After the timer stops, you must stop. Now go choose someone to train with until then," Gabe dismissed everyone. 

As everyone disbursed, they soon started to notice me. My brothers soon gathered around me, greeting me and giving me hugs. "I miss you," Cody squealed as he hugged me. 

"Is this training or recess?" James' voice shouted, causing everyone to leave and go to their own section of the room.

I rolled my eyes as James made his way towards me, while Gabe stayed in the center of the room, eyeing us. "You're not supposed to be here," James's frustrated voice said. 

"Actually, I can. I got permission," I forced a smile on my face. He studied me for a minute. "You're not fighting, and don't talk to any of the guys. They need to focus," James bluntly replied before walking back over to Gabe. I looked over to Gabe, whose eyes were filled with anger. Ignoring his look, I turned to Axel, who was now looking around the room.  

"What did I miss?" a voice came beside me. I turned to see Lucifer was now standing next to me in joggers and a t-shirt like Axel. I turned my attention back to James and Gabe, who were now heading towards the back room.

"Well, James doesn't approve of her being here, and it looks like there's still tension between Gabe and her," Axel informed Lucifer. 

I looked around the room and spotted Ethan. I looked back to James and Gabe, who disappeared around the corner. 

"Are you okay?" Lucifer's voice became concerned. "Yeah, one minute," I brushed him off as I headed towards Ethan, who was training with Cody.

"Give me a minute," I said to Cody, who stepped away without a question. Ethan chuckled briefly before shaking his head in disapproval. "I know what you want, and the answer is no."

"Come on. He's been a fucking asshole for the longest while. Give me this one favor, please," I pouted. A smirk rose to his lips, "Fine, only if you do something for me in return," he offered. 

My eyebrow rose, "Fair enough. What do you want?" 

"I want an F-16 Fighting Falcon," he stated. My mouth dropped in shock. "Out of everything you could ask for, you want that?" I asked in disbelief. 

He nodded his head with a grin. I let out a scoff, "Fine. Get me the fight with Gabe, and you got yourself a deal," I stuck my hand out. He shook my hand, and I returned to Lucifer and Axel, who were conversing casually. 

"Everything okay?" Axel asked, eyeing me. I nodded my head. For the next hour, I watched as Lucifer and Axel did Calisthenics, which was quite impressive. Axel was doing a planche push-up while Lucifer was in a handstand motion. His right hand was on the ground while his body was in the air. I watched intently as he balanced himself without any effort. 

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