Chapter 18 (Rewrite)

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You know that feeling where you're trying to focus, but someone is literally breathing down your neck, and you want to smack them? Well, that's how I felt throughout the mission. Lucifer wouldn't leave my side just for one minute.

"Are you seriously mad at me?" he called out as I dropped on the couch. "Uh, yeah. You kept standing close to me throughout the mission, and you forced me to eat," I said, glaring at him. We had arrived home, and I was waiting for Mel to finish getting dressed so we could start heading to the mansion.

"Well, I wasn't going to let you starve yourself, and your voice happened to come back since you regained your energy," he stated as he walked back and forth in front of me. " Oh my gosh!! You did something good for once in your life," I said as I started to slow clap. "Now get out," I said, pointing to the door.

He stopped pacing and looked at me, "I think I like you better when you lose your voice."

My lips twitched up in a smirk. "How nice of you. I like you better when you're gone," I commented.

He stared at me and didn't seem affected by it. "Salty much," he mumbled.

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs, and I was thankful Mel had finished changing. I got off the couch and walked towards the door. "That bad, huh?" Mel asked, walking behind me.

"He wouldn't go away," I groaned as I walked to the Corvette. "I'm butt hurt," he said with a hint of sarcasm.

I rolled my eyes and started the car. "A weekend free from you is something to die for," I shouted from the car as Mel entered. Before he could reply, I speeded off, leaving him in the driveway.

"I have never seen two people argue so much in my entire life," Mel admitted as she turned on some music to play in the background softly.

"Yeah, yeah. Anyway, we got to pick up ten casings of beer. They're having a huge barbecue tonight at the house," I informed her. "Carter called me and said it was going to happen by the pool," she replied.

"Awesome," I smiled. We drove to the mansion, and on our way, we stopped by the store and picked up the 10 cases of beers. We pulled into the driveway, and I noticed Nate's and Sean's cars parked there. I had forgotten that they were staying over.

"Who's cars are those?" Mel asked, pointing to the customized Bugatti and Lamborghini. I shrugged, lying. I didn't want to tell her Nate and Sean were here because then she would ask me questions about Sean. 

I got out of the car and opened the truck. "How are we going to carry all that to the back?" Mel mumbled. I turned to her to see she was looking at the trunk full of beer. "Really?" I asked. She turned to me with confusion written on her face. "I could call the guys," she said, pulling out her phone. I held her hand, causing her to stop.

"Or I can just use my powers to carry it," I stated in a duh tone. "Right... I don't know. I keep forgetting you have powers. Every time you mention it, I'm so shocked for a second, then I remember," she laughed. "There's my weird Mel," I teased.

I lifted all the casing out of the trunk, and Mel watched as it drifted in mid-air. After being impressed for about two minutes, she closed the trunk, and we headed inside the house.

"Can we just change first and then go to the back instead of coming back?" she asked. "Sure," I said, placing the beer on the ground. We walked up the stairs and got dressed in our swimwear. I went with a tribal bikini, and Mel went with a floral bikini. 

(Pic of Skylar's bikini)

(Pic of Skylar's bikini)

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