Chapter 51

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The guys and I all pulled up to a light and lined up. I was guessing this was the last light. I looked both ways and saw all 5 drivers were roaring their engines waiting for the red light to turn green. I tightened my grip on the steering wheel and focused.

"Please put on your seatbelt" I demanded. I heard 2 clicked and I silently thanked them.

The light turned green and we all speeded off. I had one hand on the shifter and the other on the steering wheel. I speeded passed two cars and then stepped on the gas hard. I then caught up to the 3rd car and looked to see it was Justin driving.

"That's the best you got" he shouted.

"No. This is" I shifted gears and speeded pass him. I was now in 3rd place. I speeded up to the 2nd car and passed them within seconds.

I tailed behind the first car then eventually made it next to them. I looked over to see it was James. "You're never going to win me" I shouted.

Before he could reply I shifted gear and the car speed off. Within a minute we were 80 feet away from the other car.

"You might want to slow down. There's a bump coming up then a corner" Axel sounded a bit worry.

"You sound like you're pissing yourself back there" I commented causing Lucifer to let out a laugh.

I saw the bump upcoming and I speeded up more. "Wait you're serious about this" Lucifer's laugh dropped.

I turned to look at him for a second, "Dead serious" I smirked before looking back at the road. We hit the bump and the car flew for 3 seconds then landed. I saw the corner coming up within seconds and put the gear to brake and turned the corner so we were drifting. I then quickly put it back in neutral and we speeded towards the house.

As we pulled in I parked in the driveway and got out the car. "Them drifting skills though" Axel shouted as he got out.

"I know right" I said flipping my hair. Lucifer and Axel both entered the house and I decided to wait for the guys.

Eventually James and the rest of them started to pull up to the house and me being me did my victory dance. "I won. I won. Who's the woman. I'm the woman" I stepped out of my heels and continued my victory dance.

"You cheated" James shouted as he got out.

"Mad you came in second...again" I let out an evil laugh.

"No you cheated" he defended himself.

"She beats you even when drunk" Mason shook his head.

"BURNNNN" I shouted causing the guys to laugh.

Sirens were in hearing and our laughs died down. We stood quietly as and watched as the flashing lights and siren sound got closer and closer. I would say it must be for the neighbors but we don't have any.

Two cop car pulled up and four cops in total quickly got out the car. One of the back doors opened and I saw Mel stepped out.

"That's her" Mel shouted pointing at me. The cops came towards us and the guys got ready to attack but stopped when 3 cops pulled out a gun and aimed it at them.

One of the cop pulled out a pair of handcuffs and turned me around. "You're under arrest for the physical abuse of Melanie -"

"Oh shut up. You can't arrest me. She had the option to get out but she refused" I cut him of as he shackled me. I pulled my hand away put he pulled me back and slammed me against the car.

"Hey don't hurt her" Gabe started walking towards the guy.

"Stop or I fire" a cop shouted causing Gabe to stop.

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